Ch 13- Life on the Great Plains
Buffalo - Buffalo was revered as a God to Natives - Natives would follow the buffalo from place to place - Used every part of the buffalo - Whites came and slaughtered them - No buffalo, no natives
Natives and the American Government Treaty of Fort Laramie gave Natives land Gold/Silver was found on that land Natives would then be forced to move Natives instead fought back Led by the Sioux – Sitting Bull
Battles with Natives Battle/Massacre Happened? Importance? Key People Sand Creek Red River War Battle of the Little Big Horn Wounded Knee
After the Wars -After the wars, natives were put on other reservations - People also tried to assimilate natives Try to make them adopt the culture of the majority Sent natives to schools like the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania
Movement West - Settlers then tried to move to the Great Plains - Government had the Homestead Act Gave away free land as long as you took care of the land - People would use the transcontinental railroad - Farmers would also use soddies Houses made out of sod
Support for the Farms - List three problems with farmers - Farmers tried to protect each other with Populism 19th century political group to help farmers get heard by the government - Leader was William Jennings Bryan - Wanted bimetallism- - Jennings Bryan gave the “Cross of Gold Speech” – stated that gold was crushing the Populists Election of 1896- McKinley (R) vs. Bryan (D) Issue was bimetallism