The clique of bounabers . Join our clique The clique of bounabers .
We are a clique of fighters and basketball players. We are the bounabers. We are gangsters. We don’t have any guns or knives in my clique. Our activities : We go to the cinema. We eat pizza and tacos. We play basketball with the basketball team . We challenge other cliques in sports and fighting tournaments . We like playing video games online and listening to rap music .
The personality you need to join my clique Stop
To join my clique you must do sport it’s an obligation . You can join my clique even if you are a geek a jock or a cheerleader etc… in my clique we accept everybody but you must fit in to the clique .
You should joke with the clique Our rules : - You must hang out with people in the clique . - You should joke with the clique - You must work well at school . You must accept the leader’s decisions. - You can speak with other cliques or hang out with them . -
NOW YOU CAN JOIN MY CLIQUE !!!! You can get some more information after the English lesson.