Political Parties
Informer-stimulator function To inform/stimulate the people to participate in public affairs.
Bonding agent This ensures the good performance of its candidates and office holders.
Governmental Function Officeholders chosen on the basis of party.
Watchdog Function Watching out for the interest of the public (party out of power).
Single Member District One candidate elected to each office on the ballot.
Plurality The largest number of votes cast for the office.
Consensus Agreement by all.
Ideological Parties Based on a particular set of beliefs.
Single Issue Concerning a single issue (Free Soil Party- slavery).
Economic Protest These parties will be rooted in periods of economic discontent.
Splinter Parties These parties split off from one of the major political parties (Bull Moose 1912).
Split-ticket voting Voting for candidates of more than one political party in the same election.
Straight Ticket Voting Voting for all candidates of one party in the same election.