Political Parties
What is a Party? People who seek to control government by winning elections and holding public office. Joined by common principles and a desire to affect public policies.
There are two major political parties in the United States. The Democrats The Republicans
Political Parties in the United States are election oriented.
What do Parties do? 1. Establish policy 2. leadership choice 3. Link between the government and the people 4. bring conflicting groups together
Functions of parties 1. Nominating candidates- present candidates to the voters and work to get them elected.
2. Inform/ Inspire people- market the candidate. advertise, slogans, rallies
3. bond agent- parties guarantee the good performance of their candidate in office.
4. governing- a. Public office holders tend to be chosen on a party basis. b. Political parties foster cooperation between the legislative and executive branch.
5. Watchdog- party out of power criticizes and attempts to modify polices of the party in power.