Steve Jobs By: Dakota Rosenbush
What inventions did he make? Steve Jobs made the Apple2, IMac, ITunes, IPod, IPhone, and the I pad.
When were they made? The Apple2 was made in 1978, the IMac in 1984, the ITunes in 2001, the IPod in 2002, the IPhone in 2007, and the I Pad in 2010.
Where was the inventor from? Steve Jobs originally came from Mountain View, California.
Why did the inventor decide to explore this area of interest? When Steve was little, he saw a computer and from then on he wanted to invent better things for everyone.
How did these inventions impact our world and you personally? It impacted the world because now the ambulance can know when something is wrong . It impacted me personally because I can talk to my grandma when she's in the hospital and my great grandpa when he's all the way in Colorado.
Bibliography Pollack,Pam.Who Was Steve Jobs? New York : Penguin Group, 2012.