Fan the Flame; Keep the Flame Joel Núñez, Ph.D. NJ State Licensed Psychologist
It is not stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it that does. People are not disturbed by things, they are disturbed by the view they take of things. --Epictetus It is not stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it that does. --Hans Seyle, M.D.
Emotional exhaustion Depersonalization Diminished efficacy
The net result – consumer care suffers, your health suffers After one year of burnout, 40% of MH professionals remain the same, 30% improve, 30% get worse Exposure to burnout is correlated with severe health problems; i commitment to the organization; absenteeism, h attrition rates, i productivity The net result – consumer care suffers, your health suffers
We must begin with data, but we cannot end there. After one year of burnout, 40% of MH professionals remain the same, 30% improve, 30% get worse We must begin with data, but we cannot end there. The essential questions: Exposure to burnout is correlated with severe health problems; i commitment to the organization; absenteeism, h attrition rates, i productivity “What about me?” “What about you?” “What about us?” The net result – consumer care suffers, your health suffers Burnout is not a category but a continuum.
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues “Courage is the most important of all the virtues. Without courage you can not practice any other virtue consistently.”
Continual vigilance Inoculation Serenity/courage/wisdom Self-care is selfless and essential @drjoelnunez