http://woodshole. er. usgs
Seybold, Hansjörg, José S. Andrade, and Hans J. Herrmann Seybold, Hansjörg, José S. Andrade, and Hans J. Herrmann. "Modeling river delta formation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, no. 43 (2007): 16804-16809. Seybold et al 2007
Ganges-Brahmaputra Image by NASA
Goodbred, 1999
Conceptual Model of G-B Subaqueous Delta Showing Subaqueous Delta and Sediment Transport to Submarine Canyon Kuehl, Steven A., et al. "Subaqueous delta of the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system." Marine Geology 144.1 (1997): 81-96. Modified form Kuehl et al 1997
Borehole Drilling Photos from Goodbred, 1999 Goodbred, Steven 1999 Sediment dispersal and sequence development along a tectonically active margin: Late Quaternary evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra River delta. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, The College of William and Mary (VIMS) Photos from Goodbred, 1999
Delta Plain Peat Basin / Bil TOP 1 meter BOTTOM Photos from Goodbred, 1999
G-B Coastal Plain Stratigraphy Umitsu (1993) – 3460 – 2120 10 – 7382 20 Thick, trangressive coastal-plain sequence formed during early Holocene – 8238 30 – 8374 – 9906 – 7703 depth (m) 40 14,004 50 – 9219 60 • lowstand laterite and alluvial valley • initial delta formation ~11-12 ka is 2000-3000 years earlier than other delta systems • 20-m-thick coastal mangrove sequence persists for 2000-3000 years.....maintaing relative shoreline stability during rapid sea-level rise • with sea-level deceleration in mid-Holocene, rivers infilled accommodation, old channels abandoned and began to migrate, depositing sandy channel deposits over the coastal plain 70 clay silt fine sand medium sand 80 90 – 9876 = calibrated 14C age Goodbred, 1999
Goodbred, 1999
Ganges-Brahmaputra Sediment Budgets (based on 1 109 t/yr discharge) Floodplain / Delta Plain Subaqueous Delta Canyon / Off-shelf Topset Foreset Modern: 30%1 21%2 20%3 ? 29% Mid Holocene: 32%4 42%5 ? 26% (post-7000 cal BP) Early Holocene: 230% 6 ? 30% (7000-11,000 cal BP) data sources: 1 Goodbred and Kuehl, 1998; 2 Allison, 1998; 3 Michels et al., 1998; 4 Goodbred and Kuehl, 1999; 5 Kuehl et al., 1997; 6 Goodbred and Kuehl, in press.
Goodbred, 1999