Primary Longman Elect 1B Chapter 5 Text Type Postcards
Postcards This is a postcard.
We write postcards on holiday.
We write on this side.
There is a picture of the place on this side.
We send postcards to family and friends We send postcards to family and friends. The postcard tells them what we are doing.
Where is the person who writes this postcard?
This person gets the postcard. This is her address. The message goes here. This person writes the postcard.
Let’s look at another postcard.
Who writes this postcard? 20-7-2010 Dear Mark, I am having a great time in England! Mum is shopping. Dad and Mark Chow me are sightseeing. 2 Square Street See you soon. Diamond Hill Hong Kong Yours, Eddie
Where is Eddie? 20-7-2010 Dear Mark, I am having a great time in England! Mum is shopping. Dad and Mark Chow me are sightseeing. 2 Square Street See you soon. Diamond Hill Hong Kong Yours, Eddie Where is Eddie?
Does Eddie like England? 20-7-2010 Dear Mark, I am having a great time in England! Mum is shopping. Dad and Mark Chow me are sightseeing. 2 Square Street See you soon. Diamond Hill Hong Kong Yours, Eddie
Who gets this postcard? 20-7-2010 Dear Mark, I am having a great time in England! Mum is shopping. Dad and Mark Chow me are sightseeing. 2 Square Street See you soon. Diamond Hill Hong Kong Yours, Eddie
Where is Mark? 20-7-2010 Dear Mark, I am having a great time in England! Mum is shopping. Dad and Mark Chow me are sightseeing. 2 Square Street See you soon. Diamond Hill Hong Kong Yours, Eddie Where is Mark?
The End