The new metadata structure & Country Specific Notes Anna BIAŁAS-MOTYL 2-3 April 2009 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 11 Doc Rail-2009-9_2
PART 1. Metadata. How to access metadata from Eurostat website? Reference Metadata in « Euro SDMX Metadata Structure » (ESMS) format are available for each dissemination table (based on Regulation 91/2003) of the rail transport domain Euro SDMX Metadata Structure for rail transport statistics 2-3 April 2009 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 11 Doc Rail-2009-9_2
ESMS metadata Main methodological fields covered by the ESMS format: Metadata update Statistical presentation Unit of measure Reference period Confidentiality Dissemination format Data revision Statistical processing Accessibility of documentation Quality management Timeliness and punctuality Comparability Coherence Relevance Cost and burden Additional options: links to legal acts, classifications, documents ESMS format: available in English only 2-3 April 2009 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 11 Doc Rail-2009-9_2
PART 2. Country Specific Notes (CSNs) Reason of the creation of the CSNs: external users’ needs methodological questions exceptional/special cases of data provisions Enrichment of the content of the methodological notes - ESMS Specific methodological information by country for each dissemination table and reference year overview of the data availability national definitions used (e.g. for accident statistics) documentation and explanation of any discrepancy in the data provided 2-3 April 2009 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 11 Doc Rail-2009-9_2
Characteristics of the CSNs Compiled from two main sources: validation rules applied to each dataset validation process of the various publications Available to public: Circa & ESMS Updates can be performed in the following ways on a country’s initiative: CSNs may be downloaded from Circa, revised/updated by the country concerned and provided to Eurostat on Eurostat’s initiative: Eurostat may propose changes in the CSNs and ask the country concerned to validate these changes Support for the metadata - currently prepared as Word files In the future: linked directly with the validation rules – integration with TRIS 2-3 April 2009 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 11 Doc Rail-2009-9_2
Thank you for your attention ! Opinion and suggestions on the new metadata (ESMS) and the Country Specific Notes (CSNs) are welcome! 2-3 April 2009 Meeting of the Working Group on Rail Transport Statistics Agenda point: 11 Doc Rail-2009-9_2