Sigrid Marie Blom Senior Advisor The Research Council of Norway FORNY2020 STUD-ENT Sigrid Marie Blom Senior Advisor The Research Council of Norway 05.12.2018
FORNY2020 – Commercializing R&D results FORNY2020 is The Research Council of Norway’s programme for commercializing R&D results from publicly funded research institutes. The programme supports Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) and their spin-off companies
FORNY2020 Proof-of-concept funding The aim of the proof-of-concept funding is to reduce technical and commercial risk and make the companies/projects investor-ready Proof-of-concept activities may include: • clarifying application and market potential; • testing a concept, technology or prototype; • developing a business model; • securing rights; • establishing contact with customers and users. You may seek up to NOK 5 million in support
Who can apply for funding? Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) representing publicly funded Norwegian research institutions and newly established companies. Projects must be based on results from research conducted at a publicly funded research institution. In accordance with Article 22 of the General Block Exemption Regulation for state aid: Aid for start-ups, support can be awarded to enterprises that: are autonomous, small and unlisted are younger than five years old have not yet distributed profits and have not been formed through a merger
What characterizes successful applications? Based on solid research results, not just an hypothesis Great market need, big growth potential, international potential Have talked to users and potential customers Have a clear understanding of the activities that is necessary to do in order to make the project ready for a licencing deal or investor Multidisciplinary team with a clear «driver» Short and concise application that answers all the questions in the template for project description
Next deadline: October 10th 2018
STUD-ENT – support for student entrepreneurship The STUD-ENT scheme is a national competitive arena in which students and recent Master’s degree graduates, in cooperation with a university or university college, may seek financial support for realising their knowledge- or research-based business ideas. The STUD-ENT funding scheme seeks to encourage entrepreneurship among students, promote a stronger entrepreneurship culture in the university and university college sector, and increase the number of knowledge-intensive jobs in Norway.
Who can apply? The project manager must have entrepreneurial skills, be the driving force behind the project, have a key role in the established/planned company, and: a) have planned to submit his/her Master’s thesis by at the latest six months after submission of the grant application, or b) have received his/her Master’s diploma not more than 12 months prior to submission of the grant application. The core team is to consist of the project manager and students/recent Master’s degree graduates, and this team must be in charge of realising the business idea and have full or partial ownership of the established/planned company (minimum 80 per cent). The project team must include at least one academic mentor at the university/university college, and at least one commercial mentor preferably from the business sector Maximum funding is NOK 1 million for 1 year, 100% aid intensity
Are there any special requirements relating to the business idea? The business idea must be related to knowledge the students/recent Master’s degree graduates have obtained through their studies. The business idea must have its basis in a competitive advantage that can be maintained over time. The business idea does not have to be linked to a specific branch of industry, and STUD-ENT funding may be sought by students/recent Master’s degree graduates from all subject fields. There are no requirements relating to market maturity