AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation Presented by Joanne Ackuaku The Brakenhale secondary school Centre no.5113 Candidate no.3005
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Magazine cover My magazine follows the hip hop and R&B convention of a magazine by having the magazine name in graffiti font. This creates meaning by targeting the right audience of the R&B and hip hop culture who are very familiar to this style of writing visual and know it connotations. Magazine name is positioned on top of the magazine cover horizontally and spreads to the width of the magazine cover for easy read and to grab the readers eye. I choose to do this because I wanted my readers to be more aware of the magazine name than the contents placed on the front cover, in order for it to sell, this is also a standard form and convention of layout. The main image that circles the magazine is another convention used by many magazine who have chosen for the main image to sell their magazine by featuring people such as celebrities. I decided to follow the same convention also so that my readers are equally as persuaded to purchase my magazine. Highlighted features on the contents page were placed on the front magazine cover to grab the right audience attention and be used as connotations of the magazines main themes such as lifestyle. Pull quotes (Inverted text) of the interview is another form of convention used on the front cover that’s positioned next to the main image, this is set in a larger font text and different font style to the other contents placed on the magazine cover to further make aware of the contents circling the model on the front cover. Also added is a small print of the magazine issue date to insure the reader of its current events which is another crucial part of my magazine as its all about keep young and current in its music events and style. Which then could mean that the magazine can be used a a collectors item. Double page spreads Pull quotes have been included from the double page spread interviewee. I also had the interviewee and interviewer quotes in different colours to indicate to the reader on who's who by making the quotes stand out it allows the reader to be drawn into what the celeb has to say in order to sell the magazine. The model used on my front cover was featured on my double page spread as an interview which is a common convention readers tend to find expecting to read more about a celebrity/singer opinions and life they may or may not know already. I included 3 images including the image from the front cover to make the pages more appealing to the reader. I also included a lifestyle page which is another common convention used in magazines Another convention I used is to add the page number that’s been consistently used throughout. And also the title of the page taken from the contents is also used on the page The name of the artist is set to bold and a different font colour to make it stand out and lure the reader also while they are briefly looking through pages.
Double page spread: continued Magazine cover: continued The price of the magazine is another convention used that grabs the reader attention. It promotes the magazine of its good value to make the readers feel that what their buying is worthwhile. By placing the price on the cover it also gives an idea to the reader of the type of social class its target for and if its in their price range. The advertisement strip on top of my magazine cover is also another convention that is used to encourage and promote the magazine to its reader. It can also be used as a tag line for the magazine which further emphasise its value to the reader. Medium shot of model used on the front cover is another convention used to allow the audience to quickly identify the celebrity or singer as a common convention used in music magazines. The use of the medium close is to allow the audience to also identify the model as a role model which may encourage the audience further to buy the magazine and to find what the magazine has to say about the model used on the front cover and also give an idea of what type of genre the magazine belongs and to also view the content of clothing of the model in a medium shot may act as a stereotypical representation for the audience to relate to and in order to fit the R&B and Hip Hop conventions. Also with the medium close up the reader can also see the model facial expression and body language which is confident. The use of convention of a Bar code included on the magazine cover creates a sense of realism to the reader. Which could be shown as a real product purchased in the market. The content features inside magazine placed on the front cover is a convention used to attract the right audience as these contents will determine the reader, which is why I have used contents of a R&B and hip hop to grip the correct target audience.. The colour scheme is consistent throughout the front cover such as pink purple and yellow on the female magazine and blue black and red on the male magazine this allows the reader to identify themselves with the connotations that comes about with the colours. As well as the colour scheme that’s kept consistent I have also kept consistent the font styles to create a trend in the magazine that the readers can easily recognize if the choose to buy another issue. The language used also follows the conventions of R&B and Hip Hop magazines by using slang to identify with the target audience on its own which other readers outside my target audience will not be able to identify with. Double page spread: continued The article is writing into two columns on each page Another convention used would be a pull quote taken out from the article and set to bold to grab the readers attention if the happen to skip through the pages. I kept the style consistent on my double page by using the same background colour that features the artist on the front cover. I choose to set the font text to bold as these are common conventions used in R&B and Hip Hop magazines that make the text stand out and attract the reader’s attention.I based my decision on this reasons for through my research I noticed that certain magzines often used the same colour background used on the front cover onto the double page spread. The structure of my article and many other pages within my magazine was created in a standard layout that is clear and the text was comprehendible by evenly spacing out my text out on the page.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? continued Contents page Magazine name used again on contents page for readdresses the magazine name in order for the magazine name to remain memorably and recognisable to the reader if the come across the magazine again. The use of page numbers as a common convention used in magazines was also included in mine this was done to allow easy access to a page/s of readers interest. Images from within the magazine contents page is a convention used to allow the readers to have a visual insight on what will be featured. I included again the same image from the front cover onto the magazine which also allows the reader to be aware that it’s a main topic that the magazine is focused on that will grab the readers interest. Another convention used in magazines that I have also included in mine is to once again include the issue date of the magazine onto the contents page. First word set to bold to show beginning of article as a drop cap in order to emphasise the first word to draw the reader into reading the following feature. The font style I used Franklin gothic medium on the contents page was quite conventional but still stylish so that it doesn’t come across that the contents featured in the magazine to have the same line of contents coming across as boring. I chose to keep the same basic design as my front cover which includes the same colour background as the front cover which in affect creates a consistent them in my magazine. I choose five content features on the cover of my magazine because I think they show the type of connotations and themes that my magazine will cover for example lifestyle that promotes new clothing styles. I decided not to include word for word the contents that are placed on the front cover on to my contents page because I wanted to differentiate slightly the style of text in order for my readers to be more appealed to what's featured on the magazine cover and find out more information on the contents featured on the magazine. Other conventions used in other magazines have researched into include a strap line underneath the content name that describes the content features, also using language that my target audience will understand. With added page number it allows the reader to clearly navigate their way throughout the magazine. Other Advertisement page to follow the realistic convention of other magazines. The purpose of following these conventions is to allow the reader to quickly identify that the magazine layout styles and features are the kind of common conventions you'll expect to see.
Forms and conventions of real media that are challenged in my media product: I created two magazines in one male and female target audience which is not a common convention used in magazines in the market. I decided to go against the forms and conventions Magazine cover: Both my male and female magazine cover do not follow the conventions of having a pre dominant image of an artist in the centre of the magazine, but I have challenged this layout by placing my artist slightly to the left of the centre. I made this decision because I wanted to cover most of the content features placed on the cover that will interest my target audience but still making my image to catch the readers attention just as much as the content maybe even more. On the male magazine I decide not to keep the colours that are conventional used in hip hop magazines targeted at the male gender by using light colours such as blue and yellow because I think that hip hop is slightly diverting to pop where some hip hop music has been slightly changed to suit outside their target listeners so instead of a lot of strong colours such as red and black associated with hip hop I used brighter colours which created meaning of a young, new fresh look. Model placed behind the magazine name on the front cover to grab more attention from audience relying on the magazine name to sell and catch the readers eye and for the title to create meaning for the reader with the use of the hip hop style of writing. Contents page: Border around content text to keep everything together this is so that I want to draw the readers eye onto the context and also to draw their eye also away from the context and see the small images surrounded. Double page spread I included a textbox around my interview because I wanted to make the interview seem like it was under controlled but relaxed because of the font style I used within the text, which made it seemed more relaxed is friendly for the reader. I included a number of small Images around the article while other magazines will just use one main image on their double page spread.
How does your media product represent particular social groups It does so because of who I have targeted my magazine towards to teenagers who are aged between 15 and 19. Teenagers are consistently being represented negative in media so by creating a magazine specifically for teenagers where a part of media text represents teenagers in a positive image I made my magazine that portrays teenager positively by illustrating teenagers who have made a success through talent that can be seen as role models for teenagers. Although my magazine is for both genders it will do so differently but collaboratively together because of the same layout and style. However the female magazine attracts the right social group through colours that are fun and girly but still proper to show some maturity in certain pages and also the images that my targeted females can look up to for inspiration in style. The contents used also are relatable to the age group The genre of the magazine is R&B and hip hop so it will be targeted at people who have a good knowledge base of the hip hop and R&B culture music and style. This can be represented in the images and the music chosen on the charts inserted on page. My magazine will also target people who are interested in the latest style and like to look their best and to dress as the celebrities do. Other magazines represent particular social groups such as teenagers of the Hip hop and R&B culture in such magazines like “Vibe” and “Right On” are represented in a positive way where their acknowledge of their achievement in the record company at such a young age and how their way of approaching a younger audience has influenced them in a positive way.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ? I think my magazine can be sold at all good newsagents, along with other music magazine of the same genre. It will be sold where R&B and hip hop is widely known such as the city of London. Because the price of the magazine is fairly reasonable for its target audience it also can sit on the shelf with other good magazines, but can stand out on its own of its good value compared to the other magazines like my own. I think music magazines like my own such as “VIXEN VIBE”, “BLACK BEAT” and “RIGHT ON” which are all American companies as there are no R&B and hip hop magazine in the U.K that sell of this genre However I feel there maybe be a downside by distributing my magazine along these institutions as they may view it as a threat as it is more of a new age and different to the product that they sell in market. Other media institutions other than newsagents that will sell my magazine that will distribute my magazine would be clothing stores that will sponsor the magazine such as footlocker for the boy and New Look where their items of clothing will also be featured in the magazine. I think online magazine distributors I’ll also be interested in selling my magazines where all genres can be accessed which can grab a global market for the magazine sales such as “Amazon”.
Who would be the audience for your media product ? My audience will be teenagers aged 15 to 19 who are very much into the modern aspects. this was concluded through my questionnaire feedback where my audience fell into this bracket, because my audience are into purchasing products that are latest in the market I believe my magazine will be able to reach out for the younger generation. From my audience feedback the genre of my music magazine frequently listened to R&B and hip hop which also reflected the age of my intended audience I gathered this information through research where teenagers are consistently picking their top ten music chart which has also given me the idea to create a page within my magazine a music chart. The audience for my magazine will be brought about firstly through the front cover due to the content of clothing shown on the models for example which may attract a younger audience. I think my magazine will equally be bought by both male and female depending on what sells the most as the magazine would need to shelf's one for male and female from my audience feedback I also gathered information that both gender were interested in the idea of a magazines being made for both sexes. Through my questionnaire result over 80% of my response listened to pop or R&B music which would tell me about the most listened genre of music and their decision in buying a magazine of that genre, however I decided to create a magazine that was not to far from the genre that my audience may take an interest in as Hip Hop and R&B is becoming increasingly more popular for teenagers.
Continued: How did you attract/address your audience By attracting/addressing my audience I firstly gave out questionnaires before creating my magazine to see what will attract and interest my intended audience featured in the magazine this helped me with a lot of ideas and how to expand on them to keep my target audience that appeals more to them. Through research I was also able to attract/address my audience by looking into the sort of magazines that were similar to the magazine I had in mind of creating for my target audience. through the research I looked at the forms and conventions that were commonly followed especially by the magazines similar to my target audience. I attracted/address my audience through the use of colour and images that were bright and inviting which welcomed a friendly image that was new and young. The style of font used with my magazine name, because its written in graffiti you instantly know its for a younger audience and for people with R&B and hip hop culture awareness. With my images I addressed my audience through the content of clothing because I used images that showed the content of clothing to be new and young and wearable by people who want to spend that little extra to look good. As this is a common thing now days in young society as people like to impress others by their content of clothing. I used bright colours to attract a younger audience and used stereotypical colours that are associated with gender such as pink and purples with females and blue and green with males. Teenagers like to keep to date with the latest and most talked about artist that is why I made an interview introducing a new artist that my audience would be interested in and can relate to because of age. Have asked for the appropriate use of colours such as pink and blue used on either sections of the magazines. My audience also asked for interviews from celebrities who they would be interested in and can be positively looked at. Overall I believe through my research I fulfilled all my target audience needs and stayed away as possible to ideas that were not keen to my audience.
Audience Feedback Audience feedback before produce magazine From looking back at my audience feedback I would say from my results that, a lot of people considered buying a magazine because of the celebrities being featured. I also saw a 90% of people being influenced into buying magazines because of the features on the front cover which told me that when creating my magazine one of my main focusing will be placed on to the front cover of my magazine. Creating a music magazine was very important to the fact that asking questions on whether my audience actual listen to music, for this would be the main priority in creating my magazine in making sure that I featured any aspects that my audience did or did not want. I received a 100% response on creating a magazine that featured a male and female section in one copy. When creating my magazine I also had to consider the type of colour scheme I would use in each section, and also take into consideration the connotation that come with it, so by giving my audience a chose of colours to chose from it allowed me to make a decision on what's best to include in my magazine. I also had a mixed review on the type of contents that people would like to see featured onto the magazine,50%said they would like to see a interview take place within the magazine while the other half would like to see reviews made by other people. I had 60% response on the type of features that included in the magazine in order for it to be a success thought that lots of images to be included, this then told me that I will be needing enough pictures to fill every aspect of my magazine. Audience feedback after produce of magazine Through my audience feedback overall I received a very positive and constructive. 100% of my audience thought that it was a good idea of creating a music magazine that includes a male and female features. They all knew who the intended audience was aim at which was good which meant that I succeed in marketing my magazine at the right audience. I had mixed reviews on which section of the magazine was most appealing. Which tells me that its about the individual taste of the audience. The negative response I received from the magazine was the use of colour, they had felt that the use of colours was to consistence and would have been better if there had been more variety. I included a rating onto my question for the features in the magazine that had quality, I received through the majority of my feedback that ,the design layout of my magazine was the highest quality featured on my magazine. The lowest quality rating I received from my audience was that the writing had least effect on pleasing my audience.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product. I have learnt to use photo editing software to edit my images for a good bases on my magazine cover and pages I learnt how to clear out the background of my images so that the model will be the only thing showing on the cover. I also learned how important using close up and long shot are used for my magazine instead of cropping them out each time I uploaded them. Its important to create meaning through the use of technology so that my readers can connect to what's being featured in the magazine in a way they can understand. I have changed the meaning by using as many uses of technologies possible to attract my audience into buying the magazine and appealing to them with many technology uses as possible such as photographic images. I also created meaning for example through the use of lighting on images, such as bright lighting that connate happiness and portray a positive image towards readers. As well as the use of zoom to create close up to long shot on photographic images this was important especially on the front cover of my magazines as I wanted to convey as much positive and aspiring image as possible for my audience, Ex. the use of mid shot to view content of clothing
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product. I learned more about the forms and convention used in magazines through a lot of research of magazines not only music magazines but other magazines sold in different markets. I had basic knowledge of what a magazine should look like to what I know now. I learned you need a lot of feedback from your intended audience which can be done by questionnaires. I also learned that research can be a beneficial factor in order for my magazine to look realistic enough to be sold in the media market. And also analysing other media products to have a good bases on how to plan my magazine. Targeting the right audience was important in order for my magazine to receive positive feedback. Also time management has been a key issue in producing my magazine in time for deadlines and with this I have learned to organise my work and produce it to the best of my ability. Using a wider range of technology I have been able to create meaning and piece together features in the magazine that will be able to attract my audience through use of colours that have connotations that fit a particular social group. Also through the use of photo editing I have been able to adjust lighting to create meaning and also cropping to crop out pieces of images that do not belong.
Thank you for watching Joanne Ackuaku