.……Fast Feedback www.belmontteach.wordpress.com @BelmontTeach #TMMonkey
Techniques to use before you provide any feedback… “Feedback should be more work for the recipient than the donor” They self assess They find “faults and fix” They peer assess They provide critique You return sub-standard work
Simple success criteria grids …“pre-flight checklist” X ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Feedback grid for a face-drawing task Success criteria Eyes halfway down face 2 Distance between eyes roughly same width as one eye …..etc. http://art-references.tumblr.com/post/28189059514
They ask question / for help You give verbal feedback You stamp work They summarise your feedback They complete the improvement
…be sure to use the right stamper!
Dot round Assign students independent work in class Circulate and observe their work If their work is wrong, put a dot on the paper Very subtle, not a permanent “wrong” mark Just a reminder that something needs checking That’s ALL you do/say The dot reminds students, subtly, to find their own mistakes Encourages self-reflection and self-correction “Who got a dot and found it?” Dot round
Can you check this for me? Mark a specific part only Increased likelihood of response Identified by student e.g. by highlighting Content not process
Feedback Keys TV Tech SpaG Create a generic marking key and give students a copy to stick in their books, e.g. TV Too vague, needs to be more specific, expand on your ideas more. I like this. You’ve dealt with this part extremely well. Tech You need to add more technical vocabulary and specific terminology. SpaG Problem with spelling, punctuation, grammar. CRUCIALLY: Students have to explain WHY they were given the code
Using colours Punctuation or grammar Something positive A specific target for next time A question the student has to answer Look at the success criteria to see what you’ve missed Spelling …can highlight work, draw boxes round, write feedback in…etc.
Marking with icons Skim / scan books Decide key feedback points Allocate an icon to each Record only icon(s) in books Share meanings in lesson They write out They complete improvements
Marking with icons M1 I need to draw the 3 letter shapes and mark the positions of the pairs of angles on each shape M2 I need to add a numbered angle to each letter shape and describe how I would use it to work out the other angle in the pair M3 I need to add a description next to each diagram of how I could use one known angle to find another
Traffic light feedback Misunderstood Confused Not got it yet Display 3 questions on the board at the start of next lesson to “do now” Tackled, not mastered Objective mastered
plasters A bit of fun / novelty value when you find yourself writing the same comments over and over again e.g.
Better written feedback Self assess using success criteria Peer assess using success criteria Find own faults + fix Identify key areas want feedback on Identify reasons for any particular feedback Improve work following self assessment Improve work following peer assessment Summarise any verbal feedback Redraft sub-standard work Better written feedback Refuse sub-standard work Verbal feedback Focus feedback on key areas Traffic lights R/A/G Use colours Use feedback keys Use icons
.……Fast Feedback www.belmontteach.wordpress.com @BelmontTeach #TMMonkey