Unfortunately I did not record the beginning of this lecture. The images are located in the image subdirectory so I go to the subdirectory and then take the image that the index is pointing to - note that the index is a random number I generated.
This time the array has a picture component and a description component. Note the way this was set up. I can down retrieve both from the array.
The difference between the example we just looked at (bottom part shows here) and the next example is where I put out the output. In the one at the top it is outside the PHP and in the main one shown here it is within the PHP.
the output.
Here I am using a foreach to show all of the images - notice I did it two ways so you are seeing it twice.
In this example I used the for to step through the array.
create through PHP code. Now I am inserting records in the table I created.
I went intoputty to show the table after the table was created and the records were added through PHP.
Prior to this I believe I have always used them.