School Climate -École Brantford Elementary School- Beliefs, values, and ideals that prevail in a school community and that are manifested in the relationships among its members.
WHO? Survey was conducted by the School Climate Study Team from the Faculty of Education at UBC under the guidance of Dr. Shelley Hymel Involved 156 Brantford students; 2442 students from schools around BC (mostly Lower Mainland) Grades 4 – 7 only
WHY? Bullying has long been recognized as a problem in schools around the world, yet bullying prevention “programs” have had limited success. We believe the most effective way to reduce bullying over the long term is to enhance school climate (organization, communication, and relationships)
Teacher Support Sample item: “teachers go out of their way to help students”
Positive Peer Interactions Sample item: “Students enjoy doing things with each other in school activities”
Negative Peer Interactions Sample item: “Students in this school are mean to each other”
Consistency & Clarity of Rules & INstructions Sample item: “Students are given clear instructions about how to do their work in classes”
Disciplinary Harshness Sample item: “Students get in trouble for breaking small rules”
School Discipline – Restorative Practices Sample item: “At school we are taught how what we do affects others” & “When students do something wrong they have a chance to make it right”
School Discipline – Lack of Discipline Sample item: “Students in this school get away with bad behaviour” & “Teachers just ignore it when students are mean to each other”
School Discipline – Perceptions of fairness Sample item: “Teachers make all students feel included and respected” & “Rules in this school are fair to everyone”
Student Engagement & Commitment to Achievement Sample item: “Students work hard for good grades in classes”
Student Input in Decision-making Sample item: “In our school, students are given the chance to help make decisions”
Student Engagement & Commitment to Achievement Sample item: “Students work hard for good grades in classes”
Safety Problems Sample item: “Have you ever been afraid that someone will hurt or bother you at school?”
School Bonding Sample item: “Most Mornings I look forward to going to school”
School Connectedness Sample item: “I enjoy being at this school” & “I feel connected to other students at this school”
Cultural Pluralism Sample item: “Students of many different races and cultures are chosen to participate in important school activities”
School Climate -École Brantford Elementary School- Beliefs, values, and ideals that prevail in a school community and that are manifested in the relationships among its members.