Welcome to year 6 parent induction ADO Welcome to year 6 parent induction
APA British values: 1. Democracy 2. The rule of law 3. Individual liberty 4. Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. JMC Preparing every student to be a pillar of any community
Preparing every student to be a pillar of any community JMC Preparing every student to be a pillar of any community
APA’s approach to setting and completing homework… JMC
How does it work? Students will each have their own account, which will show their personal to do list- you will get your log in at the start of term in September. Students will be taught how to use this in September. JMC
What do students do? Record HW in their planner (write the task and due date) Log in to SMHW to access details and resources. Hand your homework in on time! No excuses JMC
APA assessment Students are formally assessed three times during the year. These assessments take place in the hall under exam conditions. The results are sent home to you. As well as the ATL assessment you will receive a grade of 1-9 (9 being highest) which shows your child's attainment in each subject. This will be colour coded against your child's target grade. JMC
1 Month Monitoring We will hold a 1 month monitoring meeting on the 4th October– TUTORS ONLY Critical opportunity to communicate with tutors about how pupils have settled and adapted to APA. Support the academy in its drive to engage learning Helps parents/carers really know the progress or your son/daughter LMC
Music from …. FMA
Celebration assemblies Certificates Special Pillar badges Positive House points Celebration assemblies Certificates Special Pillar badges Competitions to represent your House Huge variety of trips Lunch queue jump pass LMC
Contact @ARKputney @missmcmillanapa Most contact with home now takes place by email. Please ensure you are checking these daily to ensure you are up to date on school matters. We will email you your tutor group information soon including the tutor email address. LMC @ARKputney @missmcmillanapa
Compliance V Defiance walking on the left wearing correct uniform « the state or fact of according with or meeting rules or standards » « open resistance, bold disobedience» walking on the left wearing correct uniform eating in allocated eating zones following instructions first time. talking during line-up no blazer shirt untucked answering back not following instructions first time eating around the academy JMC
Pillar days. What and why? 3 times a year Variety of activities: team-building reflection tasks workshops 5th and 6th September Year 7 only Familiarise themselves with the building and Staff Answer any last minute questions and queries Further support for transition from Primary to Secondary LMC Opportunity to embed the culture and ethos of the school Raise sense of community