Section 11.2 – Sequences and Series 10.1
Things to memorize:
Infinite Geometric Series |r| < 1: nth term test for divergence: we can conclude NOTHING about NOTE: If
nth term for divergence is inconclusive. Infinite Geometric Series with
The Bouncing Ball Problem – Version A A ball is dropped from a height of 50 feet. It rebounds 4/5 of it’s height, and continues this pattern until it stops. How far does the ball travel? 50 40 40 32 32 128/5 128/5
The Bouncing Ball Problem – Version B A ball is thrown 100 feet into the air. It rebounds 3/4 of it’s height, and continues this pattern until it stops. How far does the ball travel? 100 100 75 75 225/4 225/4