Non-Uniform Day Last day of term Friday 20th July HULA charity for Enigma House
HULA Animal Rescue Home for unwanted animals HULA has a team of staff and volunteers that look after the animals in their kennels every day.
HULA and one of their dogs will be visiting us on Friday HULA and one of their dogs will be visiting us on Friday. Come and meet them in the foyer at break to learn more!
Animals that currently need a home – Flopsy and Snowy, Melon and Flower, Gemma and Kiera, Finn and Rey, Jasper and Odin. It costs a lot of money to feed and take care of these animals that nobody wants every day.
What should I wear for non-uniform day What should I wear for non-uniform day? Here are some helpful guidelines: Non uniform day is a chance for pupils to wear their own clothes and express their own style. Lessons will continue so clothing must be appropriate e.g. no short skirts, baseball caps or bare midriffs. Although not in uniform, we still represent the school and so clothing should be respectful.
How can I help? If everyone brings in a £1 donation the school will be able to raise over £1000 for HULA, allowing them to keep supporting animals in need. Hazeley supports enigma House Charity!