First Beam in the LHC September 10, 2008 in the ATLAS control room
First Malfunction at the LHC September 19, 2008 in the LHC tunnel
September 2008 Incident The electrical arc destroyed the busbars
LHC Dipole Busbars The copper busbar must take the current during the current decay after a quench
LHC and ATLAS 2011 Running Fantastic! x5 the 2011 LHC goal In 2012 the LHC will run at 8 TeV and aims to deliver x3 the amount in 2011 In 2014 the LHC will finally run at its design energy of 14 TeV
ATLAS Detector
ATLAS Detector
ATLAS Detector Fills half a football stadium
Particle Identification in ATLAS 9
ATLAS Particle ID
pp Collision in ATLAS
Pileup Problems? Running with 50 ns bunch spacing gives an average of 6 pp interactions per crossing
ATLAS Collaboration