1 The New Technology Internet Tablet PC (wireless) Projector (wireless) Router (wireless) Students/student groups (with laptops, handhelds, etc.)
2 The New Technology (2) Internet Tablet PC (wireless) Projector (wireless) Router (wireless) Students/student groups (with laptops, handhelds, etc.)
3 For Professors, Benefits Clearly Outweigh the Costs Direct benefits for professor –Archiving –Posting class discussions to students –Easy transition from any previous technology (evolution, not revolution) Direct costs for professor –Tablet PC plus peripherals (if a class can do PowerPoint, can implement this) –Retooling cost (small) –Limited blackboard real estate--requires greater planning NO EVALUATION NEEDED--NEW TECH DOMINATES
4 But Does it Benefit Students? Given the benefits to faculty, an important question is whether and how the technology benefits students –Provided that the tech does not hurt the student experience, the net gain will still be significant Benefits to students will depend on pedagogy, class activities, etc. Need measures of the benefits to students
5 Our Project Debugging of technology, ferreting out the hidden problems By putting the technology into play in a classroom, we can begin the evaluation process Designing class activities and teaching modules to best utilize technology Develop and test evaluation measures of student response to technology
6 New Technologys Potential Can Apply to Many Teaching Modules Allows for small group interaction with the professor in a large group setting and/or distributed learning environment Greater instructor mobility Archives the creative process Facilitates multiple, on-the-fly written conversations in the classroom –These can be spontaneous, collaborative, and creative –Students speaking and writing skills will be improved Students questions incorporated into lecture notes Will require new skills by professor
7 PPI: Evaluating the Impact of the Technology The Participant Perception Indicator (PPI) evaluates students on 3 measures –Knowledge: How much does student know about topic or subject –Experience: How much student has interacted with topic or subject –Confidence: How confident student feels about understanding of topic or subject This evaluation tool appears well-suited to measuring changes in student experiences facilitated by new technology
8 Themes for Our Evaluation Conceptual knowledge of subject Empirical knowledge of subject Critical thinking Scientific thinking and hypothesis testing Communication skills Archiving Others?
9 Activities in Our Class (Econ 476/ CAAS 457) Econ 476/CAAS 457--Political Economy of Black America is a 40 student class emphasizing the economic life of African Americans in the United States We are predominantly using 3 activities in the teaching of this course –Lectures –Discussions –Debates
10 New vs. Old Technologies New technology = Wireless Classroom with tablet PC, router, projector, and microphone Must evaluate against numerous wired technologies currently used in lectures, discussions, and debates: –Blackboard –Overhead projector –Laptop and projector running PowerPoint
11 Lectures: Blackboard vs. Wireless Classroom Blackboard –Pros: excellent one way transfer of knowledge and flexibility of presentation, lots of real estate –Cons: hard to see in large classes, poor archiving of student feedback, questions, and interactions
12 Lectures: Blackboard vs. Wireless Classroom Wireless Classroom –Pros: consistency from section to section, allows for more dynamic presentation style and greater interaction with class through increased mobility, great flexibility as tablet enables incorporation and archiving of questions, comments, etc. allow for building up of models and graphs, writing while presenting makes setting proper pace easier –Cons: limited real estate; cant leave important points on the board
13 Lectures: Overhead vs. Wireless Classroom Overhead projector –Pros: everything blackboard has, plus: allows for consistency from section to section, easier to see, allows for some archiving of student feedback, questions, and interactions –Cons: not a dynamic presentation method, less mobility/class interaction than with other methods
14 Lectures: Overhead vs. Wireless Classroom Wireless Classroom –Pros: consistency from section to section, allows for more dynamic presentation style and greater interaction with class through increased mobility, great flexibility as tablet enables incorporation and archiving of questions, comments, etc. allow for building up of models and graphs, writing while presenting makes setting proper pace easier –Cons: limited real estate; cant leave important points on the board
15 Lectures: PowerPoint vs. Wireless Classroom PowerPoint –Pros: very effective one way transfer of knowledge, esp. in large lecture halls, allows for consistency from class to class, multimedia capabilities –Cons: not flexible, difficult to maintain proper pace, can be over-programmed poor archiving of student feedback, questions, and interactions
16 Lectures: PowerPoint vs. Wireless Classroom Wireless Classroom –Pros: consistency from section to section, allows for more dynamic presentation style and greater interaction with class through increased mobility, great flexibility as tablet enables incorporation and archiving of questions, comments, etc. allow for building up of models and graphs, writing while presenting makes setting proper pace easier –Cons: limited real estate; cant leave important points on the board
17 Discussions: Current Tech vs. Wireless Classroom Current technology rarely anything but blackboard and wireless microphone –Pros: ? –Cons: excludes larger group from most visual information/sources, group is physically isolated from blackboard
18 Discussions: Current Tech vs. Wireless Classroom New technology allows for numerous potential improvements –Pros: small group discussion can be broadcasted to large lecture hall and beyond, faculty and blackboard mobility from student to student, group to group, multimedia content and on the fly incorporation of information, allows larger audience to participate in their own discussions increasing critical thinking opportunities –Cons: feels like a large lecture hall even in medium sized class
19 Debates: Current Tech vs. Wireless Classroom As with discussion, current technology rarely is anything but blackboard, overhead, and wireless microphone –Pros: ? –Cons: limited presentation possibilities (multimedia), no give and take with the projector
20 Debates: Current Tech vs. Wireless Classroom New technology allows for numerous potential improvements –Pros: allows larger audience to participate in their own discussions, and to support the debate with comments, questions, and voting, multiple access points to projector, allows for multimedia content and on the fly incorporation of information –Cons: controlling access to projector, policing audience participation, information overload
21 Next Steps--For Discussion Formalize student evaluation framework –Develop set of questions to assess the effectiveness technology and activities against our themes –Set up protocol for PPI evaluations (i.e. after every class vs. monthly, online vs. paper, etc.) –Identify baseline levels of student responses in old tech environments to compare wireless classroom results against Continue to move toward a plug and play implementation of technology by debugging and developing best practices for tech setup