CIS 199 Test 02 Review
Loops for while do – while foreach “For a given value X, while X is true, modify X…” while “While X is true…” do – while “Do these tasks, while X is true…” foreach “For every X in this set of Y do the following…”
for Example
while Example
do while Example
foreach Example
Key Loop Details Loops are NOT guaranteed to execute at least once! …only exception is ‘do while’ ‘for’ loops require a variable, condition, and ‘step’ instruction ‘while’, ‘do while’ loops require a boolean expression ‘foreach’ loops require a collection of items Arrays Lists Generic Collections
Files OpenFileDialog SaveFileDialog BOTH very User friendly! Used to load file from location SaveFileDialog Used to select file save location BOTH very User friendly!
Random Numbers in C# Provided from: System.Random Is ONLY pseudo-random Produces a finite set of values with equal probability Not truly random, follows a mathematical algorithm Created with OR without seed value Common methods used: Next() Next(int) Next(int, int) NextDouble()
Creating and using a Random Object
Usage & Expected Results of Random Methods
Methods Actions, code to be executed May return a value, may take value (not required) Can be controlled via scope keywords Can be static
Methods & Modularizing Your Code Break out ‘steps’ Easier to test Easier to visualize
Methods & Modularizing Your Code Example
Sample Questions from Blackboard Wiki
The ‘switch’ statement can replace nested if/else The ‘switch’ statement can replace nested if/else. But under what conditions? When matching on a specific… Value Type Enumeration …other data
What does a ‘break’ statement do in a loop? It stops (BREAKS) loop execution Code continues, no further loop iterations
What does a ‘continue’ statement do in a loop? Goes to the next iteration CONTINUES loop execution, by skipping current iteration
What are preconditions and postconditions for a method? Conditions that MUST be TRUE before method execution POSTCONDITIONS Conditions that WILL be TRUE after method execution
What is the difference between a void method and a value-returning method? Returns nothing! …a void return. Value-Returning Returns a value! …that’s not a void return.
Compare and contrast the use of pass by value against pass by reference, using key word ref versus pass by reference using keyword out. Pass by Value Passes a copy of the value Not the object itself Pass by Reference Passes the actual object itself ‘ref’ Causes a pass by reference on a variable ‘out’ Is used to reference a variable that the method will update
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