ERC Strategic Framework: Proposal #, PI Name, ERC Name, Lead University Name Barriers Testbed(s) QoLT 3-plane chart Systems Research Testbed(s) Requirements Systems Research Stakeholders Testbed(s) Products & Outcomes Systems Technology Integration Technology Elements Technology Elements Testbeds Barriers Enabling Technology Research Testbeds Testbeds Enabling Technology Research System Requirements Enabling Technologies Technology Base All ERC proposals must include a customized version of this chart to describe the strategic construct of the proposed ERC. Analyze the chart starting from the systems plane, where critical systems barriers and testbeds are defined. These must yield system requirements that generate a body of fundamental and enabling technology research and enabling technology testbeds. The plan must be accompanied by a milestone chart for 10 years of effort with more clarity on the first five years. Fundamental Insights Fundamental Research Fundamental Research Barriers Fundamental Research Fundamental Research Fundamental Research Fundamental Research Fundamental Knowledge Knowledge Base