Pearl S. Buck Elementary School Back to School Night Thank you for coming! Please add your name to the Sign-in sheet
Kindergarten Schedule Times Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 8:50 – 9:20 Arrival/Announcements/Morning Meeting/Morning Work 9:20 – 10:20 RELA: Superkids 10:20 –10:30 Snack/Break 10:30 – 11:10 RELA- Superkids and Writing 11:10 – 12:10 Recess/Lunch 12:10-12:45 Read Aloud/ ELA 12:25 – 1:00 Science/SS 1:00 – 1:45 Math 1:45 – 2:30 Computer Art Music Library Gym 2:30 – 3:30 Power Hour 3:30-3:50 Pack up/Dismissal
Specials All classes will have the following Specials: Art, Computers, Physical Education, Library, and Music Art: smocks needed; name written on smock. Gym: sneakers must be worn to participate In the interest of safety – NO jewelry is permitted Teacher Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Mrs. Arner Computer Art Music Library Gym
Snacks and Lunch I like to try and keep our classroom as PEANUT FREE as possible Please send in 1-2 healthy snacks each day in a separate bag/container from their lunch If your child is buying lunch, please send their money in an envelope marked with their name and amount
Parent Responsibilities Check backpack/folder each night Return any forms or paperwork sent home Send in an absence note the day after your child is absent from school Keep me informed of any problems or concerns that would effect your child’s school day. REMEMBER: Parents + Teacher = Successful student
Homework Homework will begin in October Homework Calendar each month will be in their homework folder and stay in their homework folder Homework will be given Monday-Thursday in small amounts Occasionally a bigger project or assignment will be given (again this will not be too involved)
Homework Examples Sight Word practice (notecards) Sight word sentences and pictures Also vocabulary words Math game (sent home) Science and Social Studies shares Handwriting practice Writing journal (first writing one sentence with picture, then building on that as the year goes on)
Math Math in Focus Think Central ( Math series based on principles of Singapore Math. Basic Concrete Abstract Extensive use of manipulatives to enhance student understanding of concepts and processes. Think Central ( Great for manipulatives Your Username is : Child’s ID Number Your password is: MathisFun1!
Math cont. Colors Shapes and Patterns Classification/Position words Numbers 0-10 then 11-20 Graphing Measurement, Weight, Volume Time Ordinal Numbers
Language Arts/Reading Superkids Program developed by Pleasant Rowland (American Girls author). Designed exclusively for young, developing readers (Kindergarten to 2nd grade) Emphasis on: See it, hear it/say it, write it, read it At home support available online I will give you login information for
Raz Kids: ~ Program designed to allow students to read at their levels at school and home. ~ Hundreds of eBooks on a variety of subjects. ~ Read as well as listen to stories and even songs **Usernames and passwords coming by the end of October**
Writer’s Workshop Afternoon block of Language Arts time Focus on development of writing Skills * First scripted writing * Short sentences * Development of longer sentences * Handwriting practice ***Later in the School year*** Students developing their own personal writer’s notebook
Science Curriculum FOSS Science for Kindergarten Wood and Paper Fabric Five Senses Seasons and Holidays Too Good for Violence and Too Good for Drugs- Mendez Foundation Kindergarten students will learn what makes a great day as they explore the elements of setting short term goals. This age-appropriate, interactive curriculum promotes positive youth development and drug-free living. Tuggles the Teddy Bear will delight children as he helps them learn how to make healthy choices, identify their feelings, and bond positively with peers. Too Good for Violence Skills taught Too Good for Drugs Skills Taught Conflict Resolution Goal Setting Anger Management Decision Making Respect for Self and Others Bonding with Pro-Social Others Effective Classroom behavior Identifying and Managing Emotions Communicating Effectively
Social Studies Curriculum Social Studies Alive! Me and My World explores the relationships in students' lives with their families, friends, teachers, and neighbors. Students learn that people live differently in different places and that they can help care for the world. Chapter 1- Who Am I? Chapter 2- What Is a Family? Chapter 3- How Do I Get Along with Others? Chapter 4- How Do I Make Friends? Chapter 5- How Do I Solve Problems with Others? Chapter 6- How Can I Be a Good Helper at School? Chapter 7- What Is in My Neighborhood? Chapter 8- Where Am I in the World? Chapter 9- How Do People Live Around the World? Chapter 10- How Can I Help Take Care of the World?
Afternoon Activities and Literacy Stations (Power Hour) Integrate all subject areas Working with others to develop social skills and cooperation Reinforces skills already taught FUN = Learning *During these stations I will hold guided reading groups, flexible learning groups, and also provide enrichment and remediation to students as needed
SWPBIS Program starr student g School Wide Positive Behavior In School Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Kind S.T.A.R.R Safe, Thoughtful, Attitude, Respectful, and Responsible starr student g
November Conferencing November Conferences The week before Thanksgiving Request forms will be sent home in early November to sign up for a convenient conference time We can meet at anytime!!
Contact and Classroom Information School Office: 215-609-6300 Visit out classroom website! 1. Visit 2. Select Pearl Buck as a school 3. Click on Staff and click Mrs. A Arner
Thank you so much for coming!!!