A NATIONAL INTEGRITY SYSTEM POLICIES FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE Olabisi A. Dare Senior Political/Humanitarian Affairs Officer AU Liaison Office in Liberia Monrovia, Liberia. 12/5/2018
VISION STATEMENT In view of the public servant’s role and influence, they are expected to be persons of high moral character and integrity. Furthermore, the public servant is expected to be law-abiding and committed person who shows proper care for public assets, behaves ethically and discharges his/her duties and responsibility efficiently and effectively with decency and dignity. 12/5/2018
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To create a preventive mechanism against misconduct by public servants; Make corruption a high risk and low return undertaking from the very beginning by preventing it in the first place; To create a well-motivated service that does not operate in fear and apprehension; To set out standard of behaviour and conduct by public servants; 12/5/2018
To ensure impartiality, objectivity, transparency, integrity, efficiency and effectiveness of public servants and public institutions in the performance of their duties and mandate; A public service that is both efficient and effective, and which contributes to sustainable development; To produce a government functioning under the law, with citizens protected from arbitrariness (including abuses of human rights ); and Development strategies which yield benefits to the nation as a whole, including its poorest and most vulnerable. 12/5/2018
CURRENT SITUATION Politicization of the public service; Patronage in recruitment and promotion; Ineffective and inefficient service delivery; Abuse of discretion; Low remuneration; Indifference in work attitude; Incompetent performance; Low Morale; Inefficient Civil Service; and Enhanced opportunity for corruption. 12/5/2018
SOME MEASURES AIMED AT PREVENTING CORRUPTION IN PUBLIC SERVICE Need to establish principles of good conduct to be followed by public servants. These principles are universally accepted and include the following – Selflessness –Decision to be taken solely in public interest; Integrity – Not to be under obligation, financial or otherwise, likely to impair performance of duties; Diligence – Application of efforts to performance of duties; Objectivity – Justice and fairness in all matters including appointments, promotions, award of contracts or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits; 12/5/2018
Accountability- A public servant should be personally responsible for his/her act; Openness (Transparency) – Access to information leading to decision making, once it does not compromise larger public interest, must be readily shared with the public; Honesty – Declaration of private interest relating to duties performed, must be disclosed truthfully and faithfully; Non-discrimination – Display for human dignity and human rights of all persons, irrespective of race, sex sexual orientation, marital status religion, etc; Discipline – Strict adherence to the civil service rules and regulation; Loyalty – Public servants must be faithful to the people and governments they serve; 12/5/2018
Leadership – A public servant should be a role model to others; Confidentiality – Public servants should not divulge confidential information obtained in the course of his work to unauthorized person; Leadership – A public servant should be a role model to others; Professionalism – Public servants should adhere to the professional code of conduct at all times. 12/5/2018
Awareness of Constitutional and Civic responsibilities : Responsibility to the State and public service; Respect for laws of the State; Maintaining dignity of public service; Support for the vulnerable groups and the physically challenged; Influence of official action for undue advantage; Care for State properties including protection from damages, respect for procedures, particularly, procurement; Public servants should not represent or serve as an agent of foreign government. 12/5/2018
OTHER PREVENTIVE MEASURES DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION AND RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED MATERIALS. Public servants should use sensitive and confidential information in their possession or likely to be in their possession only in the performance of official duties. Such information should not be used in ways inconsistent with obligation to act impartially. It should not be used to cause harm or be detrimental to any person or body or the public service. It should not be used to gain improper advantage for himself or for any other. 12/5/2018
USE OF PUBLIC FUNDS, PROPERTIES AND FACILITIES. Government facilities are to be used for official purposes only. Public resources entrusted to public servants for the performance of their duties are to be utilized judiciously and in accordance with budgetary appropriations and financial regulations. 12/5/2018
GIFTS, BRIBES AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Public servant should not receive or encourage the giving of bribe in the course of his duties. Public servants should not receive any bribe or casual gifts from commercial firms, business enterprises, institutions whether private or public or persons who have submitted bids for contracts, or intends to bid for contract before the employer of the public servant or the government. Any token gift must be declared within a reasonable period of time. A report of any circumstance where a benefit or gift was offered should be made to superior authority, regardless of whether it was accepted or not. 12/5/2018
report of any circumstance where a benefit or gift was offered should be made to superior authority, regardless of whether it was accepted or not. Gifts other than casual or token gifts can be accepted from foreign governments, international organizations or quasi governmental organizations closely affiliated or funded by government provided prompt declaration of such gifts are made to superior authority, who will decide whether to retain the gift or surrender it to government. Public servant should not use his position to pursue other interest that may result in conflict of interest. Where a public servant has direct or indirect personal interest in a matter being examined, he shall inform the authorities and recuse himself before deliberations are held and a vote or decisions is taken. 12/5/2018
SANCTIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY PUBLIC SERVANT VIOLATES THIS PREVENTIVE MEASURES AIMED AT SAFEDGUARDING THE INTEGRITY OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE FROM CORRUPTION AND CORRUPT PRACTICES; AND DEPENDING ON THE GRAVITY OF SUCH VIOLATION OR MISCONDUCT, ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING PENALTIES SHOULD APPLY : Dismissal Removal from office in public interest Reprimand Fine or making good of the loss or damage of public property/assets Seizure and forfeiture to the State of any property acquired from abuse of office Demotion. 12/5/2018
RECOMMENDATIONS DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTERESTS, ASSETS AND PERFORMANCE/FINANCIAL BONDS: Public Servants involved in making decisions affecting contracting, tendering or procurement, and issuing of licenses of various types should sign performance or financial bond and in addition declare all incomes, assets and liabilities prior to taking office and thereafter. Such declaration should be lodged with the relevant national authority responsible for the function of the Ombudsman. Every public servant should further declare and affirm that the declaration is accurate and to the best of his knowledge. 12/5/2018
ADMINISTRATIVE/LEGISLATIVE MEASURES TO SUPPORT NATIONAL INTEGRITY POLICIES. Enact and enforce civil service legislation and rules to govern employment, promotion and retirement. Enforce civil service rules and provide redress mechanism for violation thereof. Review and improve civil service retirement and compensation scheme. Conduct periodic salary evaluation and provide for cost of living adjustment. Develop competitive conditions of service for the civil servants. Establish an independent Anti-Corruption Commission. 12/5/2018