Computer Lab Rules & Procedures Deer Park Elementary
Treat Computer Lab Nicely Leave the computer lab neat and clean. No eating or drinking in lab!
Treat the Equipment Nicely Clean hands Don’t chew cords Don’t touch screens Gentle with Mice & Headphones Print with permission ONLY Click PRINT once
Treat Teacher Nicely Come in quietly, have a seat and wait for instructions. Raise your hand for help
Treat each other nicely Kindly help others with your mouth not mouse Hands on your computer only Open ONLY your work
Treat Yourself Nicely Save your work to the right place so you can find it again Use the Internet properly-only approved sites Follow dismissal procedures properly. Give Me 5!
When on the Internet Stay on approved websites No email No chatting Never give out personal information
If You Stumble on Something Inappropriate X out immediately and tell an adult what happened Don’t call your friends over to see it
Leaving the Lab-Give me 5 1. Exit programs 2. Put headphones up 3. Push in chairs 4. Gather materials/trash 5. Stand behind chair until dismissed
Thanks for coming to the lab! Come back soon!