Final Constitution Notes 6 slides after this
The Cabinet The President picks 14 department heads as his advisors. Is this in the Constitution? No! This was something started by George Washington to help him stay informed.
The Electoral College The Electoral College officially elects the President. The Electoral College in each state basis its votes on the popular vote. Does the Electoral College HAVE to do this based on the Constitution? NO! This is an unwritten promise made by the Electoral College when it was debated if the EC promoted Representative Democracy.
Judicial Review The Supreme Court has the power to declare laws unconstitutional. Is it written in the Constitution that they can do this? NO! This came after a decision on Marbury v. Madison to insure greater checks and balances.
Political Parties Political parties play a role in everything in politics, from passing laws to who is in charge of the House of Reps. Are the rules for political parties outlined in the Constitution? NO! Political parties have changed greatly over the years, but their role is based on tradition, not written rules.
Congressional Committees Congress separates into committees to weed through bills and pass laws. Are there written rules for the Congressional Committees in the Constitution? NO! Again, this is based on tradition rather than written rules.
Unwritten Constitution The unwritten constitution are the customs and traditions that have evolved over time. These are not written down or amendments.