ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project Spring 2013 Vitalis – Wireless Biometric Sensor Team Members: Aakash Lamba, Di Mo, Shantanu Joshi, Yi Shen Digijock(ette)-Strength Digital System DesignTM Transforming Ideas Into Reality Project Description: Prototype of a portable wireless health monitoring system for both hospital and residential settings. The system focuses on monitoring patient vital parameters : Pulse rate SpO2 (blood oxygen saturation ) Skin temperature Fall Detection Features: Automatic Alarm System Transmit collected data via Wi-Fi Immediate NFC access Battery management system Display battery longevity Recharge the battery Project Specific Success Criteria: An ability to determine pulse and SpO2 readings from blood light absorption An ability to display the users vital statistics (pulse, SpO2 , skin temperature) on the LCD screen mounted on the device which is located on the patients wrist An ability to remotely monitor the users medical status from a web-site via secure login or authentication through an on-device NFC tag An ability to activate an alarm both manually (through an emergency button) and automatically in response to anomalous readings of vitals An ability to detect if the user has suffered a fall and automatically raise an alarm Figure 2: Block Diagram of the Design Figure 3: Schematic Section Breakdown Figure 5: OLED Display Figure 6: Patient Data Online Figure 7: Customized SpO2 Sensor Figure 1: CAD Drawing for the Design Figure 4: PCB of the Design