Bellwork 2/12 What do you know about the atmosphere? Write down anything and everything
What did the pirate say when he turned 80? Aye matey!
Unit 2: The Atmosphere
Weather vs. Climate Weather: Climate: state of the atmosphere at a given time and place constantly changing Climate: observations accumulated over many years includes both “average weather” and “extreme variations”
Composition of the Atmosphere Major Components: Nitrogen & Oxygen (99%) Argon gas (0.93%) Carbon dioxide (0.036%)
Components of the Atmosphere: Variable Components: 1. Water vapor can vary from 0-4% important for heating of the atmosphere 2. Aerosols tiny solid & liquid particles suspended in atm. important for fog & cloud formation absorb, reflect, and scatter solar radiation
Components of the Atmosphere Variable components 3. Ozone molecule with 3 oxygen atoms distribution not uniform formed when and oxygen gas molecule (O2) combines with a single oxygen atom (O) absorbs UV radiation
Pressure & Temperature changes Pressure Changes: Atm. Pressure = weight of air above Pressure ALWAYS decreases with increasing altitude Temperature Changes varies by layer determines layers of the atmosphere
Troposphere: bottom layer (where we live) where all weather phenomena occur increase in altitude = decrease in temperature just outside the troposphere is the tropopause (an isothermal layer)
Stratosphere 2nd layer out (from the ground) As altitude increases, temperature increases due to concentration of ozone, which absorbs UV radiation Just outside the stratosphere is the stratopause (isothermal layer)
Mesosphere 3rd layer out (from the ground) as altitude increases, temperature decreases due to the low number of air molecules Just outside the mesosphere is the mesopause (isothermal layer) coldest spot in the atmosphere (-100C)
Thermosphere 4th layer out (from the ground) no well-defined upper limit as altitude increases, temperature increases due to absorption of solar radiation
Let’s make a graph!!!
…a bit more about the atmosphere: https://www. youtube. com/watch