Agenda - LCTC Tuesday, June 12, 2018 Welcome and Introductions (5) Review/approval Minutes (5) Transportation Planning Project (20) Review & Approval of Steering Comm. Members for 2018-9 (10) LCTC Strategic Plan 2017-18: Review of progress toward goals in the year that just ended (10) 2018-19: Review of Strategic Plan and objectives for the year that just began (30) Member Updates (10) Adjourn
Planning Project Update on Planning Project – Greg Kellogg Comments on Stakeholder Transportation Needs Statements - all Call for digital links to public for planning input and feedback - all
The transportation planning project was started 10 days ago. Report on kickoff and progress by Greg Kellogg
Planning Project Schedule
Planning Project Schedule June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov
Stakeholder Transportation Needs Statements Completed in Cooperation with the Livingston County Transportation Coalition Stakeholder Segments: Seniors/people with disabilities Businesses Commuters/workers Health Care Human Services Bikers/pedestrians Schools/students Environmentalists Urban - City of Brighton Urban- City of Howell Suburban Townships Rural Townships Note: Brighton Township independently created their needs statement
Call for digital links to public for planning input and feedback Mailing lists? Websites? Newsletters?
Call for digital links to public for planning input and feedback Mailing lists Websites Newsletters (Information regarding you organizations communication assets that can be employed for this purpose should be sent to
Info to send to Name of the website, mailing list, newsletter Approx. how many county residents receive or belong to it To whom I should send the announcement of planning activities so that they can forward or post or publish it Timing of next publication (if applicable)
Current and New Steering Committee Members Name Representing Leo Hanifin, LCTC Chair Advocates Pat Hohl, LCTC Vice-Chair Municipalities Pat Convery Business Tina Jackson Workers/Employers Kim Konarski Senior/People with Disabilities Nancy Rosso Kathleen Kline-Hudson County Community County Planning Suzi Snyder Elisabeth Vanderpool Faith Based Community Health Care Providers Greg Kellogg Lee Burton Transportation Providers Environmentalists Mike Hubert Schools/students
Livingston County Transportation Coalition Plan of Objectives and Activities for 2017/8 (April 2017 – March 2018) Presented May 9, 2017
LCTC Objectives for 2017-8 Initiate Comprehensive Transportation Planning Project (in collaboration with LETS) Assure provision and consideration of robust input of key stakeholder groups in planning process Make substantial progress toward establishing Transportation Authority Add at least one key transportation service for Livingston County Educate many more citizens and stakeholder groups regarding transportation needs and options
Activities in support of Objective 1 – initiation of planning project Assist LETS in project initiation such as participation in drafting RFP Participate in review of proposals and consultant selection Assist LETS in developing public/stakeholder meetings
Activities in support of Objective 2 – Robust Stakeholder Input to Planning Actively assist/assure the securing and organizing quantitative and qualitative input from various stakeholder segments including Seniors People with disabilities Employers Business/economic development organizations Educators and parents of students Municipalities Health care providers Walkers/bicyclists
Stakeholder Needs Stmts - completed Stakeholder Segment Leaders in development of statement Seniors/people with disabilities Kim (Ladd) Konarski, Steve Pugsley, Andrea Stepien, Suzi Snyder Businesses Pat Convery, Pam McConeghy; Commuters/workers Tina Jackson; Doug Anderson Health Care Elisabeth Vanderpool, U of M and Providence Human Services Anne Rennie, DHHS leaders Bikers/pedestrians Tim Schmitt; (w. input from Brian Pawlik SEMCOG) Schools/students Anne Rennie, Mike Hubert – LESA, Susan Dunn Environmentalists Sierra Club leader – Conservation Chair Municipalities: split into 3 groups (urban, suburban, rural) Urban: Steve Manor, City of Howell Suburban: Pat Hohl, Suburban Twps. Suburban: Brian Vick ,Brighton Township Rural : Bob Hanvey
Activities in support of Objective 3 – move further toward authority Continue to secure resolutions and petition signatures (7 resolutions incl. 5 municipality boards, over 600 petition signatures) Promote survey, secure more responses and publish report on results prior to initiation of planning project (>550 responses) Continue to educate public and key stakeholder groups through presentations, documents and media coverage (over 40 presentation to over 1400 individuals)
Activities in support of Objective 4 - Add a key transportation service Assist the Michigan Flyer in their efforts to initiate Express Bus service from Livingston County to Metro Airport and Ann Arbor (and Lansing?) LETS secured funding for additional medical bus and drivers allowing expanded hours of operation and a “dialysis run”.
Activities in support of Objective 5 – Educate Citizens and Stakeholders Continue to educate public and key stakeholder groups through presentations and distribution of “Moving Forward” document Organize and conduct Summit II (timing depends on planning process schedule)
Activities in support of Objectives 2 & 5 - Revise Coalition Meetings Add Educational element to meetings: provide a presentation on a key area as focus of meeting or optional addition to meetings (governance, TOD, advocacy, county economic development, . . . ) Focus each meeting on a stakeholder group and its needs and views in order to (1) to increase involvement of each sector and develop transportation leadership within each sector, (2) capture segment views on needs and priorities as input to upcoming planning project Expand coalition meeting times to 90 minutes to allow presentation, discussion and regular business
Tentative Schedule of Meeting Foci June – Economic Development July August – Health Care August September – Non-motorized travel (biking and walking) September October – Education/students
Activities in support of all Objectives Continue to grow coalition Secure support needed for some activities
Strategic Plan Elements 2018-9 Support comprehensive planning process Improve communications platforms and content Implementation of plan elements
LCTC Objectives for 2018-9 Participate Actively in the Completion of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Assure provision and consideration of robust input of key stakeholder groups and in planning process Prioritize plan recommendations that LCTC will work towards in the remainder of 2018-9 Support the implementation of selected services/resources Educate many more citizens and stakeholder groups regarding transportation needs and options, and the results of planning project
Activities in support of Objectives 1 and 2 Assure provision and consideration of robust input of key stakeholder groups in planning process Assist LETS and AECOM in developing public/stakeholder meetings Participate in regular meetings of planning team
Activities in support of Objective 3 – prioritize recommendations Deliberations of Steering Committee and entire coalition following completion of the planning project Discussions with LETS and County government leaders
Activities in Support of Objective 4 - Support the implementation of selected services/resources TO BE DETERMINED based on plan results, discussions, LCTC priorities, and needs of top priority services and resources (may require funding)
Activities in Support of Objective 5 – Transportation Education Improve and Expand communications regarding transportation by Employing currently existing conduits of LCTC membership (websites, newsletters, mailing lists, media, . . .) – begin immediately Improve or replace currently employed digital resources that are specifically focused on LCTC priorities and objectives – requires further planning and work (and may require funding)
Questions, comments, discussion
Next Coalition Meeting Tuesday, July 10, 2018 3:00 – 4:30 PM LESA (here)
Next Steering Committee Meeting Monday, June 18, 2018 1:30 – 3:00 PM Work Skills, Inc. (100 Summit, Brighton)