Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP) Maya Evdokimova Institution’s Logo Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP) RSAIP: The best professionals – a key factor of the success of your business
5 reasons why RSAIP is the best IP university in Russia 1. Unicity: The one and only University in Russia, that totally specializes in teaching IP; 2. Experience: training highly qualified specialists since 1968; 3. Tutors: Lead experts in theory and practice are giving their lectures in RSAIP;
5 reasons why RSAIP is the best IP university in Russia 4. Education: All available levels: bachelor, master and postgraduate degrees. In addition, programs of professional development and occupational retraining are offered both to beginners and experts; 5. Innovative education techniques: IP projects for schools, universities and practitioners.
Education & Science RSAIP runs a center of science and international cooperation; The center organizes research activities for the RSAIP itself, as well as on third parties’ request; The center organizes expert evidence upon request of the Court or private customers.
How we took over the leadership 1. Wide cooperation with leading international and Russian IP organizations (WIPO, EAPO etc.) 2. Complex training system in IP field starting from schools, actual trainings, seminars and workshops, taught by leading practitioners of IP from all over the world.
Our projects 1. International IP Olympics for high-schools, organized by WIPO, EAPO, RUPTO, Russian Chamber of Commerce and RSAIP; 2. IP descent (Best RSAIP students teaching IP to students of other universities); 3. Practice Club (pure practical trainings by famous specialists).
We are always ready to share our experience and knowledge
1. Every year RSAIP participates in WIPO events, dedicated to university policies in IP, including regional workshops and elaboration of the “training for trainers” program. 2. RSAIP is a valuable contributor to IP management & commercialization trainings. 3. RSAIP participates in WIPO-Russia summer school.
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