ENGL 0349 Spring 2013
Overview ENGL 0349 is an academic writing course. Goals: prepare students for academic writing in native speaker classes Introduce students to various types of essays Introduce academic citation and MLA Format Improve critical analysis skills
Academic Honesty (aka Cheating) Everything you turn in MUST be your own words, unless probably quoted and cited. If you use someone else’s work as your own, it is considered cheating, which is against academic policy. First offense: an essay grade of 50 Second offense: fail the course
Attendance You can only miss 8 hours of class. If you miss more than 8 hours, you will be dropped from the course. When you come to class, sign in at the front. I will take the sign-in sheet at 10:15. 4 tardies = 1 absence
General Rules Cellphones are to be turned off/on silent. DO NOT ANSWER YOUR PHONE IN CLASS. Please be respectful to others and don’t get up and leave in the middle of class. Wait until break.
What to expect Four essays In-class midterm In-class final Daily readings Ten journals Daily discussion
Essays There will be four essays throughout the course. Each essay will follow the same schedule: First draft: emailed (Content and Structure) Second draft: turned in (Grammar and Structure) Final Draft: turned in
Essays, contd. Late Deductions: No first draft: -5 pts. No final draft: -20 points Note: If you turn in a first draft, it’s not necessary to turn in a second draft (there will be no point deduction). However, it is STRONGLY recommended that you turn in both a first and second draft.
Journals You will have weekly journal assignments. These will likely not be handed back to you, but they will be read. Journals are a completion grade, and are a part of your final grade.
Grades Essays 1 and 2: 20% final grade Essays 3 and 4: 30% final grade Midterm: 15% final grade Final: 15% final grade Journals, Homework and Quizzes: 20% final grade
Learning Web Course material will be added to the Learning Web. Please bookmark the site so you can access all useful links and documents.