Reprogramming Microbes Biotechnology Reprogramming Microbes Mr G Davidson
Bacteria Because bacteria are so small, we use measurements called MICRONS to measure them. 1 mm = 1000microns Bacteria are much smaller than animal cells. They also contain chromosomal material which controls the cell activities. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineering is very important to biotechnology. It directs microbes to make products they would not normally make. E.g. genes (pieces of chromosome) from human cells can be placed into microbes to make substances useful to humans. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering using living cells involves many specialised techniques. These techniques produce bacteria with altered plasmids. The plasmids can multiply and instruct the cells to make products useful to humans. When many such bacteria are grown together, large amounts of useful products can be obtained rapidly. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Genetic Engineering Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Farm Technology Genetic engineering may be used to alter chromosomal material in an animal egg. This involves inserting the required gene into a suitable egg which, when fertilised, develops with altered characteristics. Compared with selective breeding the use of genetic engineering to produce new improved farm animals has possible advantages, e.g. healthier animals and crops, increased yields, etc.. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Insulin Production Insulin is a “chemical messenger” (hormone) produced in the pancreas. It keeps the blood sugar at the correct level. Some people cannot produce insulin and suffer from the disease diabetes. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Insulin Production Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Insulin The increase in world numbers of people suffering from diabetes and also the fact that diabetics are living much longer, has increased the demand for insulin. Animal insulin could therefore be in short supply, whereas genetically engineered insulin can be produced in any quantity required to meet the needs of diabetics. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Insulin Cattle and pig insulin are different in structure from human insulin and in some diabetics can bring about an allergic response. This may have long-term side effects such as eye and liver damage. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Insulin Genetically engineered insulin has almost exactly the same structure as human insulin and therefore allergic responses are less likely to occur. Some diabetics do not like injecting themselves with insulin that comes from animals and prefer the ‘human’ insulin produced by bacteria. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Other Important Products Other important products of genetic engineering are antibiotics and vaccines. Antibiotics are chemicals that can kill certain microbes. Using the technique of genetic engineering existing antibiotics can be made even more effective in the fight against disease. Vaccines are used to prevent disease. Thanks to genetic engineering better vaccines can be produced more easily. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Genetic Engineering and Potential Hazards There are risks involved in reprogramming microbes. In altering a cell’s instructions a new form of life may be created. New strains of bacteria created by genetic engineering could be harmful to animal and plant life. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Detergents Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Biological Detergents In the past, one way to remove stains was to boil the fabric in water with a detergent. Many modern man-made fabrics however, are damaged by high temperatures. Also the heat energy used is expensive. Some detergents are called “Biological” and offer a solution to these problems. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Biological Detergents This means they contain enzymes such as proteinases. These enzymes help to break down stains caused by proteins like egg, milk and blood. The stains are broken down by the enzymes into soluble substances, which can be washed away. These enzymes are produced by bacteria and then added to the washing powder. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Antibiotics in Action In 1928 a Scotsman called Alexander Fleming discovered that a substance made by a fungus prevented growth of some bacteria. This substance was named penicillin and was the first known antibiotic (something which kills microbes). Since then many other antibiotics have been discovered and used against diseases caused by bacteria. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Antibiotics Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Antibiotics Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Immobilised Enzymes In an industry using enzymes, separation of products and enzyme can be expensive and the enzyme may not be re-usable. In most enzyme reactions the following takes place: Substrate + enzyme mixture product + enzyme mixture Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Immobilised Enzymes It would be an advantage therefore, if the enzyme could be easily separated from the product and enzyme mixture. This can be achieved by trapping the enzyme in jelly beads. Enzymes, or even cells, which are treated in this way are said to be immobilised. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson
Immobilised Cells Not only enzymes can be immobilised. Some whole cells can be trapped in the same way, e.g. yeast. This allows the alcohol and yeast to be easily separated at the end of the fermentation process. Immobilised yeast can be used in a “through-flow” process rather than using batch processing. Wednesday, December 05, 2018 G Davidson