Chapter 22 and 23 Review Game Chem 332 SI – Greg P April 10, 2017
Review Game Rules There will be two types of questions – Individual questions and team questions For individual questions, ach member of a team will take turns going up to the board, the person will write their answer on the board, and when they believe they have the right answer, they must turn around from the board and then it will be graded as right or wrong For team questions, teams will get a set amount of time to work together before having to show their answer and be graded as right or wrong
Individual question – predict the product
Individual question – Name the molecule
Team Question – Predict the Product
Individual question – predict the product
Team Question – answer the Miscellaneous question Which is more basic?
Individual question – Give the reagents
Individual question – Draw the molecule
Team question – Propose an efficient synthesis (3 points)
Individual question – Predict the Product (2 points)
Individual question – Give the Reagents
Final team question – Predict the Product (3 points)
Congrats to all, you’re all winners in my book… now onto new material… Classify the following molecule, give its name, and draw the cyclic pyranose form.
Sugars can undergo reactions too… Is the following sugar alpha or beta? Then, predict the product…
And another reaction… Why isn’t a stronger base used?
And the last one for today… Draw the mechanism and predict the product…
Next time… Wednesday, April 12 – 6:10-7:00 Carver 0298 More Carbohydrate Chemistry Watch the Website for announcement on the Exam Review!