Lyon, february 16th, 2011 Enabling Ubiquitous Mobility Paul Dekkers, SURFnet
Enabling Ubiquitous Mobility Integration with other operators -Wrap up -Difficult topic; what do we want to do? I wrote stuff down when people discussed topic -Plans at SURFnet -Call for arms 2
Theres a lot we can do -What is exciting, where can we collaborate or (just) share experiences -Investigate roaming technologies -Collect best-practises -Offload 3G (with eduroam) -Make 3G cheaper, MVNO, MVNA -Where could vendors, operators help? -Brainstorm -Collect usecases 3
Usecases -Collect usecases -Access to institution-only stuff? -What is the mobile-market not providing? -What is needed by our (research) community? -Internet of things? -International (roaming) experiments? -Branding? Do institutions or NRENs want to sell phones? -Can we speed up research, internet of things, what is not commercially available? Disposable SIM? 4
Coverage, use-cases -Coverage issues at campuses? -Less femtocells in Europe Smaller cells compared to the VS -But: more and more people (also employees) work with Laptop + GSM WiFi is not always sufficient -Coverage outside campuses, 3G offload via eduroam -Use-case for commercial wifi operators 5
@SURFnet Investigate and translate needs to requirements. Focus on: -What is the market not providing? -What is needed by our community? Internet of things? -(Coverage) issues on campuses? -Workshop in march Furthermore: -Improve eduroam coverage (3G offloading!) with commercial operators 6
Now what… -EUM is a new task -Who is active in this area? -What are your plans? -How do you want to collaborate? (Build a wiki? Have a VC, brainstorm?) -Can we use the help of vendors, operators? Lets have a VC/brainstorm! 7