Saturn By: Cole
The Orbit That Moves Saturn is named after the Roman God of agriculture. Saturn’s Orbit is 1,429,400,000 km from the sun. Every few years Saturn moves its orbit.
Days And Years One day on Saturn is 10hours 39minutes. One year on Saturn is 29.7 Earth years. Saturn can get as cold as -285 degrees F.
A Gas Giant Saturn has 60 moons. Saturn doesn’t have a solid surface it is made up of almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system.
The Fifth Brightest Object Saturn is the fifth brightest object in the solar system. Saturn has oval-shaped storms similar to Jupiter’s. Saturn’s upper atmosphere is divided into bands of clouds.
The Flattest Planet Saturn has the most extensive rings in the solar system. Four spacecrafts have visited Saturn. Saturn is the flattest planet.
References long-is-a-year-on-saturn/ saturn was-saturn-discovered/
References solar-systems-major-ring-bearer.html