THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 1 - BM Briefly summarise what Mitchell is saying in this paragraph. What is commonly considered to count against the assertion that God loves men? What is it that stops believers from abandoning their trust in God? Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 2 – 5 BM Briefly summarise what Mitchell is saying in this section. Who does the Partisan represent? Who does the stranger represent? Why does the Partisan not give up on the stranger, even when he appears to be working against him? How is Mitchell’s partisan similar to Hare’s Paranoid Student? How is Mitchell’s Partisan different to Hare’s Paranoid Student Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 6 – 8 BM Briefly summarise what Mitchell is saying in this section. What does Mitchell question at the end of paragraph 7? Why does Mitchell think it is impossible to say in advance what evidence will make a person give up a belief? What does Mitchell believe makes religious beliefs meaningful? Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 9 - 11 Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this section. Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 5 - AF Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this paragraph. Briefly explain the analogy that Flew uses to discredit the idea that God loves us like a father. Flew anticipates two responses from theists to the reason why God allows the child to suffer, what are they? What does Flew question about the existence of God and evil simultaneously? What does Flew conclude about people who continue to believe in God despite incidences of great suffering? Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 6 - RH Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this paragraph. Why would Flew find the student’s claims meaningless? Why does Hare argue that the student’s claims are meaningful? What do Hare’s ideas suggest about how he views Flew’s work (see analysis section for paragraph 6). Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH S 7 AND 8 RH Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this paragraph. What is a blik? What does Hare says that we use are bliks to do? What does it mean to ‘cherry pick’? Where else is the idea (although not the name) of bliks used? Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 9 RH Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this paragraph. What is Hume famous for What did Hume say that the fundamental flaw with inductive arguments was? Explain the blik of God ‘bearing up the pillars’ What does Hare conclude about bliks and proof? Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 10 RH Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this paragraph. How does Hare respond to Flew’s criticism that religious statements are not falsifiable? Hare acknowledges that bliks cannot be verified or falsified but still believes that they are meaningful, why? Hare’s view of bliks is an anti-realist view of language. Why is this view sometimes unpopular with theists? (see analysis notes) Why might Hare’s view that atheism is also a blik be unpopular with atheists? Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 11 RH Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this paragraph. What does Hare suggest about many scholars who consider themselves to be atheists? What similarities does Hare propose that theists and atheists share? What point is Hare trying to make about Sikhs and Muslims? Why might Hare’s ideas about the similarities between different groups be unpopular (see analysis notes) What could be considered contradictory about Hare’s ideas about shared bliks? (see analysis notes) Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is:
THEOLOGY AND FALSIFICATION BASIL MITCHELL AND ANTONY FLEW PARAGRAPH 12 RH Briefly summarise what Flew is saying in this paragraph. How does Hare argue that the Parable of the Gardener and that of the Paranoid student are essentially different? What is the implication about scientific questions and whether we can be detached from them? Why do some philosophers believe that Hare is wrong to make the criticism of detachment? Why do some philosophers believe that Hare is justified in claiming that you cannot be detached about God? Key words or phrases to look out for so that you can identify which paragraph this is: