Goal Setting Case Conference – Survey Results Do you plan to try the goal setting tool (bullseye) presented today? Y (16/17) N What could help you feel more confident in setting and following-up on goals with clients during your visits? More MI training Making sure to keep client goals readily available so we can remember and focus on them Utilizing the bullseye goal sheet when I use the home visit form and try filling it out with clients MI training This new tool (bullseye) Emotional refueling Carrying goal setting sheet in running chart Having different ideas about following up with goals and addressing ambivalence I think practice then reflecting c. my supervisor Honestly, time. Building that relationship is key! F/u in supervision after trying the bullseye Utilizing facilitators The ideas presented today Spending more time using e-guidelines to help sort & plan Goal Setting Case Conference – Survey Results Did you have at least one goal setting take-away from our meeting today? Y (17/17) N If so, what was/were your take-away(s)? Bullseye x10 Promote self efficacy The setting goals sheet The Nurturing Game can be a powerful tool to get parents to open up and make goal-setting more possible & effective Ways to talk about goals as empowering rather than coercive Check in on long-term goals regularly Reflective listening, let relationship unfold, if all else fails, craft it Focusing on and exploring what the goal means to the client Was great to hear how other nurses fill out the HVF. All the ideas given after case conference. Starting small, acknowledge small goals…love the GOAL/S acronym Always follow-up c. client even if it’s just one line. Asking about the goal. Utilizing “Imagining My Life” facilitator X2 I like what Sherry said about “available b/w visits” to remind clients Do you plan to try the goal setting tool (bullseye) presented today? Y (16/17) N What could help you feel more confident in setting and following-up on goals with clients during your visits? More MI training Making sure to keep client goals readily available so we can remember and focus on them Utilizing the bullseye goal sheet (x2) when I use the home visit form and try filling it out with clients MI training Emotional refueling Carrying goal setting sheet in running chart Having different ideas about following up with goals and addressing ambivalence I think practice then reflecting c. my supervisor Honestly, time. Building that relationship is key! F/u in supervision after trying the bullseye Utilizing facilitators The ideas presented today Spending more time using e-guidelines to help sort & plan