Behaviour Matrix
is being kind and showing you understand how people feel. Compassion is being kind and showing you understand how people feel.
is considering how your behaviour and actions impact the world. Respect is considering how your behaviour and actions impact the world.
is being the best you can be at anything you do. Excellence is being the best you can be at anything you do.
Safety is knowing the difference between right and wrong to protect yourself and others from getting hurt.
Learning Spaces
Compassion Use kind words and actions Be helpful Greet others Include others Accept people's differences Be helpful Greet others
Respect Use good manners Care for space and belongings Appropriate voice level (yours & others) Be a good listener Clean up inside & out
Accept responsibility Excellence Accept responsibility for your actions ... even when you are not being watched! Do your best Be Positive Walk with a purpose
hand side of the hallway Safety ... and follow them Maintain Personal Space Walk on the right hand side of the hallway Use equipment, furniture and materials properly Think before you act
Compassion Maintain Privacy
Respect Keep Bathrooms clean Be quiet
Excellence Be prompt
Safety Use washroom properly Wash hands with warm water and soap Dry your hands with paper towel Use washroom properly
Compassion Include Everyone Use kind words and actions Be helpful
Respect Remove hats and outdoor footwear Use appropriate language Take care of equipment and playground Put trash in the garbage can Use appropriate language
Excellence Be a Come in problem quickly solver When the bell rings good sport
Carry playground equipment Safety Dress properly for the weather Ask a supervisor for help when needed Follow Playground Rules Carry playground equipment in and out of the school
Lunch Time
Use appropriate topics Compassion Use appropriate topics of conversation
Respect Wipe up spills Use good manners Warm up food only (no cooking)
Excellence Get ready quickly when dismissed (bell rings) Clean up
Safety Ask permission to leave the classroom Wash hands before eating Eat your own lunch Bring food you know how to warm up Ask permission to leave the classroom