Agenda IR Rhetoric Analysis Research Paper Work Session Bear Paw Identify Ethos/Pathos/Logos Research Paper Work Session Last few Annotated Bibs (need to be finished when you arrive to class tomorrow) Begin Pre-Outline
Reminders Grab your IR books AND your SPRINGBOARD Book (on the shelf) Missing assignments!! Look for your name and see one of us ASAP! Much Ado Essay: Jace, Dioh, Josh You will need a copy of Unwind by Neal Shusterman by Friday, 4/27
Rhetorical Analysis Practice On Surrender at Bear Paw Mountain Learning Target: Analyze the use of rhetorical appeals in argument. Reading Purpose: Think about the rhetorical appeals the authors use to persuade their audiences. Circle unknown words and phrases. Try to determine the meaning of the words using context clues or dictionary. **Questions 1 & 2 Exit Ticket (handout)
Research Paper Work Session Last Call today for Annotated Bibs Export to Google Drive to correct folder Begin Pre-Outline Look at document in Google Folder labeled Pre-Outline for directions Due Friday!