AquaSpace Case Study Normandy and Cancale, France: Issues and Tools The research leading to these results has been undertaken as part of the AquaSpace project (Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture, and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement n° 633476. Horizon 2020
Where? Ecosystem services Huge shellfish aquaculture activity (400 companies) vs. weak fish marine aquaculture (2 companies) High patrimonial value implying various issues on environmental protections (marine habitats, seabirds, marine mammals, invasive species…) Numerous other usages (fisheries, agriculture, tourism, nuclear power plants, sand gravel extraction, fuel processing industries, projects of offshore renewable energy) Coastline length of ca. 450 km
Spatial planning and management issues regarding aquaculture Case study ISSUE Spatial planning and management issues regarding aquaculture Need to comply with environmental protections Potential conflicts of use with recreational fisheries on intertidal areas, with other usages in open waters Usage conflicts related to the acceptability of aquaculture activity by society (even stronger for fish aquaculture) How the case study at national level relates to EU- policy framework and EAA framework Translation of EU MSP Directive into National Strategy for the Sea and the Coastline (2012 Decree) Implementation for each of the 4 maritime regions through Strategic Documents Complementary to sectoral policies: Departmental Structure Plans and Regional Plans for Marine Aquaculture Development
Tools used in the case study Development of SISAQUA derived from the Norwegian application AkvaVis Dynamic web application based under GIS and provided with a user interface Focuses essentially on shellfish culture at the moment Relies on several types of data: Data collected or specifically produced by Ifremer: model outputs, remote sensing, habitat maps… Data produced by other organisms (visualization through WMS) Building of indicators for site selection for shellfish aquaculture (oyster, mussel)
Indicator of suitability Currents Mussel DFM
Ongoing activities (2017) Implementation of SISAQUA into Sextant Infrastructure developed by Ifremer to manage georeferenced data Integration of new data from public administrations (areas of fisheries, matter extraction, renewable energy… ) Proposition of new indicators in agreement with stakeholders (meeting planned before summer 2017) Wishes to integrate marine fish aquaculture
Stakeholder feedback and recommendations Meeting in March 2016 Need to simplify administrative procedures and to clarify the decision making process Need to make information visible and available Need to improve communication with society: social acceptability Need a political willingness to develop aquaculture at global and local scales
Relevance to Aquaspace To maintain existing aquaculture activities To develop (sustainably) new aquaculture activities in cohabitation with other usages Implementation of MSP Directive: good timing to bring scientific knowledge, to create communication and to be part of public debate Necessity to include stakeholders beforehand