Unit #4: Express Yourself EQ: What Does It Really Mean to Communicate?
What are different ways to communicate? List 5 way to communicate in order of their effectiveness. 5- (most effective): 4- (very effective): 3- (moderately effective): 2- (less effective): 1- (not very effective):
What do these quotes mean? Words can be bullets or butterflies. The truth uplifts, while lies destroy. -Piri Thomas Only talk when it improves the silence. -Chris Matthews
What do the quotes mean to you. Do you agree/disagree with the quotes What do the quotes mean to you? Do you agree/disagree with the quotes? Why? Which applies to your life? Explain!!!
How do different cultures communicate?
In your own words, what does it really mean to communicate?
Reading Strategy: Ask Questions Ask the Text Who? Where? Why? What? When? How? Ask Yourself What does this remind me of? What do I already know about this? What can I predict from what I’ve read so far? Do I agree with this? Ask the Author What are you saying or implying here? What’s your main point?
Nonfiction Text Structures: Purpose Signal Words Visual Representation Cause & Effect To show how something happened or came to be the way it is As a result if/then Because Since Therefore consequently Problem & Solution To show how a problem or issue can be solved If Then or If A B or C Examples To illustrate or describe examples of a particular main idea, or thesis For example That is For instance Main Idea A. Example 1 B. Example 2 Chronological Order To show the time order or sequence of events Afterward next meanwhile then Not long after Following later First Next Later Cause Effect
Cluster #1 Face Facts: The Science of Facial Expressions What do you think? Agree or Disagree Words are the best way to communicate. 2. You cannot tell what someone is thinking by looking at him or her. 3. What we communicate is not as important as how we communicate
Look at the girls on pg.353 and describe the girl’s expression.
Facial Expressions My Question My Answer Is it possible to fake a smile? 2. Who is Paul Ekman? 3.What are Ekman’s accomplishments? Or Why is Ekman’s work important?
Global Expressions 4. What are the seven universal facial expression categories? 5. What are “microexpressions”? 6. How are the facial expressions for _____________ and ____________________ similar or different?
Expressional Analysis 7. What situation could result if a police officer doesn’t notice that a suspect is lying? 8. Why is it so difficult to be a “wizard” at catching liars? 9. What careers benefit from a person’s ability to detect liars?
Cluster #2 Goals & Objectives: “They Speak for Success” Literary Analysis Objective: Analyze Examples Reading Strategy Objective: Ask Questions: Find Question-Answer Relationships
Remember when… Write about a time when it was hard for you to speak to person or group of people. (Use imagery to describe the incident)
My Question Pg. # What I Already Know What the Author Tells Me (examples) My Answer: How It Fits Together (Synthesis)