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Perfidious Word of the Week Synonyms: disloyal, unfaithful, dishonest W/b: 4th December 2017 Perfidious Adjective Deceitful or untrustworthy Synonyms: disloyal, unfaithful, dishonest Examples: She was wrong to trust her perfidious brother. 2. Unfortunately, their relationship was filled with perfidiousness.
Bishop Justus Church of England School Morning Worship Advent 4th December 2017 Bishop Justus Church of England School
Let the light of Christ shine in our lives Gather The Lord be with you And also with you Let the light of Christ shine in our lives
Receive As Mary was expecting the birth of her child she said these words of praise ... ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. From the Gospel according to Luke, Chapter 1, verses 46-49
Engage Advent is the first season in the church year. It is the period of time immediately before Christmas when Christians get ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth. It begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends with Christmas Day itself. The word ‘advent’ means ‘arrival’ or ‘coming’: it is a period to reflect on God’s coming to earth. During this time Christians remember when God came 2000 years ago in the person of Jesus, but also to look forward to the time when He will come again.
Engage Video suggestion … Advent in two minutes - Some discussion ideas … What has been the best gift that you have ever received? What are you looking forward to doing? How can expectation or anticipation be a good thing? Discussion techniques - Go back to the Bible passage ask “How does the theme link with the Bible passage?” Discuss the question in pairs for 30 seconds then invite a response from each pair. Use quick-fire answers e.g. throw a soft bean bag / toy to a student, when they answer they throw it back and you quickly throw to another student. Simplify the question - Invite quick one-word answers, write them on the board, then reflect on the answers – see connections. Activity suggestion … Make your own Advent Calendar. Two sheets of paper – top sheet draw 24 ‘doors’ or flaps and number them. On bottom sheet line up the spaces underneath your 24 ‘doors’ and write your hopes and wishes for the world this advent time.
Respond Amen Lord Jesus, Light of light, you have come among us. [Reflect for a minute on the worship theme and our engagement …] Lord Jesus, Light of light, you have come among us. Help us who live by your light to shine as lights in your world. Glory to God in the highest. Amen Prayer / reflection technique – Give a summary of the theme and any responses that students may have made, then invite everyone to be still (remind no books open etc – lessen distraction). To pray or reflect on today’s worship. Be quiet for one minute. Then say the prayer …
Go out into the world with the light of Christ Let us bless the Lord Thanks be to God Go out into the world with the light of Christ
House Points 1016 945 934 946 987 982 962 BRISTOL DURHAM EXETER YORK CANTERBURY BRISTOL NEWCASTLE SHEFFIELD DURHAM EXETER YORK 1016 945 934 946 987 982 962
Perfidious Word of the Week Synonyms: disloyal, unfaithful, dishonest W/b: 4th December 2017 Perfidious Adjective Deceitful or untrustworthy Synonyms: disloyal, unfaithful, dishonest Examples: She was wrong to trust her perfidious brother. 2. Unfortunately, their relationship was filled with perfidiousness.