5. After chapter 1, the entire book is a FLASHBACK. 1. Author: Wilson Rawls 4. The narrator releases the hound, because he believes that it is a “sin” to pin up a hunting dog. Chapter 1 W.T.R.F.G. 2. An unknown narrator breaks up a fight between a redbone hound and several other dogs. 3. The fighting hound wears a homemade leather collar that says, “Buddie.”
Chapter 2 W.T.R.F.G. 7. Papa gives Billy 3 steel traps. 5. Billy feels bad when he thinks he has hurt his parents’ feelings about being too poor to afford his dogs. 1. Our unknown narrator has a disease called “Puppy Love.” 6. Billy tells Papa that he will just take 1 of the dogs. Makes Papa feel bad. Chapter 2 W.T.R.F.G. 2. Our narrator’s name is Billy. 4. Setting: Billy lives in the Ozark Mountain river valley near the Illinois River. (Oklahoma / Missouri area) 3. Billy’s parents are poor and cannot afford to buy him the two hound dogs. PART 1 OF 2
8. The first thing that Billy caught in his trap was Samie the cat. 12. Papa tells Billy that in the summer, he will start helping Papa farm. Chapter 2 W.T.R.F.G. 13. Billy feels like a man. 9. Samie ran away from home, because he was tired of getting caught in Billy’s traps. 11. Billy is 11 years old. 10. Billy refers to all raccoons as “Old Mr. Ringtail.” PART 2 OF 2
7. Billy is 12 years old when he first talks to Grandpa. 1. Billy finds his greatest treasure at the fisherman’s camp site – a sportsman’s magazine. 6. Grandpa will order the pups when Billy has the money; They are not telling Papa. 2. In the back of the magazine, Billy finds an ad for Redbone Hounds for $25 each. Chapter 3 W.T.R.F.G. 5. Billy finds a K.C. Baking Powder can to use as a piggy bank. 4. Billy develops a plan to sell berries, furs, and bait at his grandfather’s store. 3. Billy prayed to God for help.