The Historical Background of Christianity
Historical Background of Christianity How can we describe ancient Judaism? How can we describe Greco-Roman religion? How can we compare/contrast them?
The Jewish Heritage Israel First recorded national history Monotheism Origins: the patriarchs (ca. 2000-1500 BC) Abraham and Isaac
The Jewish Heritage The Exodus and Sinai (ca. 1300 BC) Israelites oppressed in Egypt Moses led Israelites to “Promised Land” Ten Commandments, Torah given Moses and the Ten Commandments
The Jewish Heritage
The Jewish Heritage
The Jewish Heritage Hebrew Religion YHWH Cult Tabernacle, sacred furniture Altars Male priesthood Holy days
The Jewish Heritage
The Jewish Heritage United Monarchy in Israel (ca. 1020-928 BC) Kings: vassals of YHWH David (r. 1004-965 BC) Origins: shepherd, mercenary Expansion, conquest Solomon (r. 965-928 BC) Temple Israel at its zenith David
The Jewish Heritage Tomb of King David, Mt. Zion, Jerusalem
The Jewish Heritage Edward Poynter, The Queen of Sheba before Solomon (1890)
The Jewish Heritage Solomon’s Temple, Jerusalem
The Jewish Heritage The Divided Kingdom (928-722 BC) Northern tribes broke away Kingdom of Israel Idols Conquered by Assyria (722 BC) Kingdom of Judah Monotheism, idols too Conquered by Babylon (598-586 BC)
The Jewish Heritage Return from Exile Under Persians Jews permitted to return to homeland (539 BC) Temple under construction (536-515 BC) “Second-Temple Judaism” King Cyrus the Great (r. 559-530 BC)
The Jewish Heritage The Jews Encounter Hellenism Under Hellenistic Rule (198-167 BC) Ordered to abandon religious practices “Abomination of Desolation” The Maccabean Revolt (167-142 BC) Revolted under Judas Maccabeus (167-142 BC) Guerrilla warfare Jewish victory, independence Rededication of Temple (164 BC)
The Jewish Heritage Hanukkah!
The Jewish Heritage Roman Occupation of Palestine Jews had been ruled by priest-kings Romans invaded 63 BC “Client-kings” installed Herod the Great (r. 37 BC - 4 AD) King Herod the Great
The Jewish Heritage The Second Temple (“Herod’s Temple”)
The Jewish Heritage Questions?
Greco-Roman Religion Roman Empire Augustus Caesar (r. 29 BC- 14 AD) Pax romana Succeeded by Julio-Claudian emperors Augustus Caesar
Greco-Roman Religion Traditional Religion Olympian gods Oracles State-run priesthoods in Rome No established “orthodoxy” Athena Parthenos (438 BC)
Greco-Roman Religion
Greco-Roman Religion
Greco-Roman Religion The Pantheon (118-125 AD), Rome
Greco-Roman Religion
Greco-Roman Religion Neoplatonism “Intellectual mysticism” Derives from Plato (427-348 BC) Teachings All reality emanates from “the One” Lowest level is matter Contemplation ecstatic union with the One
Greco-Roman Religion The Mystery Religions Musterion Devotees “initiated” into, not “born into” mysteries Attractive! Communion with deity Ethical guidance Spiritual equality Eternal afterlife
Greco-Roman Religion Cult of Isis Symbolic of all female deities Cult of afterlife, “suffering mother” Popular among women
Mithras Slaying the Bull, British Museum Greco-Roman Religion Mithraism Mithras Blood of sacred bull is “source of life” Sacramental meal: bread and water Popular among Roman soldiers Mithras Slaying the Bull, British Museum
Greco-Roman Religion San Clemente, Rome Mithraeum, beneath San Clemente
Greco-Roman Religion
Greco-Roman Religion Emperor Worship Some emperors deified after death Imperial cult established Foundations during reign of Augustus Cult statue of Augustus (early 1st cent.)
Greco-Roman Religion Questions?
Historical Background of Christianity How can we describe ancient Judaism? How can we describe Greco-Roman religion? How can we compare/contrast them?