33L 33R Natural Selection 1/5/15 Catalyst: Pick 2 interesting birds and describe what you notice about them and how they differ How can you imagine that their beaks helps them survive in the wild? Reflection: 33L 33R
Pick 2 interesting birds and describe what you notice about them and how they differ How can you imagine that their beaks helps them survive in the wild? Catalyst
Darwin’s finches Galapagos video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3265bno2X0 (starting at 7:19)
Natural Selection If all the food in this environment were tall trees, which giraffe is most likely to survive? Describe the giraffe’s adaptations, and explain why it is more likely to survive.
Darwin’s Finches: Adaptive Radiation
Today’s Lab Activity You will use utensils to simulate how different bird beaks work You will explore the way different bird “beaks” effect how and what you eat These utensils are your adaptations to the environment
Materials Adaptation: “Bird Beaks” simulated by utensils: Spoon Fork Pipette Tweezers
Materials Environments: “Food” items simulated by: Beans Rubber Bands Beads
Make a prediction: WHICH bird beak (Fork, spoon, pipette, tweezers) do you think will collect the most food item (rubber bands, beads, beans) and WHY?
Natural Selection 1/5/15 Catalyst: Hypothesis: Pick 2 interesting birds and describe what you notice about them and how they differ How can you imagine that their beaks helps them survive in the wild? Reflection:
Procedure My adaptation is ____________ Pour food item into tray You have 30 seconds to pick up food and place in cup Count food items in cup
Natural Selection 1/5/15 Catalyst: Hypothesis: Procedure: My adaptation is ____________ Pour food item into tray You have 30 seconds to pick up food and place in cup Count food items in cup Pick 2 interesting birds and describe what you notice about them and how they differ How can you imagine that their beaks helps them survive in the wild? Beans “Worms” Beads Reflection:
Graph number of food items for each type of bird beak 20 15 10 5 Number food item Fork Spoon Pipette Tweezers Beak
Analysis Which 2 beaks worked best for each different food item (fastest, most food…)? A 5-year drought kills all the “rubber band” trees but the “bean” and “bead” trees survive. What do you predict will happen to the different bird species living in that environment?
Generalist vs. Specialist A generalist bird “beak” might be…. A specialist bird “beak” might be….
Whale specialists vs. generalists Orca whales are generalists and family pods will prey on whatever food item is abundant
Whale specialists vs. generalists Baleen whales are specialists and only feed on krill (tiny plankton)
Round Robin Give an example of camouflage and explain how it works.
Watch camouflage videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6nlsOZpuU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmDTtkZlMwM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5nLDXweZqI
Adaptation: Camouflage
Question Why would natural selection result in some frogs that are camouflaged, but other frogs to be bright with contrasting colors?
Adaptation: Camouflage How might camouflage be an adaptation? We will simulate natural selection of camouflage in class today
Predator vs. Prey Why might both be camouflaged? Not all organisms are camouflaged. What reasons can you imagine?
Sexual Selection Peacock Peahen
Warning coloration Monarch caterpillar
Natural Selection 1/5/15 Catalyst: Reflection: Given what you have learned about natural selection, how do you believe that the different forms of camouflage have evolved?