Watershed Council BAIRWMP Update September 27, 2011 Prop 84 Plan Update Implementation Grant and 1-E and new Storm water $ North Bay Process
Plan Update Grant amount-$842,556 Match- $569,761 ( ~ 40 %) Cash- $210,494 In kind- $359,267 Includes- SVCSD -Groundwater plan Salt and Nutrient Management Planning $205k request & 50% match ( 25 % cash, 25% in kind)
Planning Grant-2011 events Final awards announced- February 23 Commitment letter from DWR- April 12 More detail on DACs RFP issued by MMWD-July 13 Climate Change added as theme in addition to element Proposals due –August 15 Plan Update Team proposal review-August 31 Interviews- Tuesday, September 13
Plan Elements 1 Governance 2 Region Description 3 Objectives 4 Resource Management Strategies 5 Integration or Supporting Strategies – SCWA Groundwater 6 Project Review Process 7 Impacts and Benefits 8 Plan Performance and Monitoring 9 Data Management 10 Financing 11 Technical Analysis 12 Relation to Local Water Planning 13 Relation to Local Land Use Planning 14a Stakeholder Involvement / Part I – Outreach – General 14b Stakeholder Involvement / Part II – Outreach – DAC & Tribal 14c Stakeholder Involvement / Part III – Outreach – Local Govt. 14d Stakeholder Involvement / Part IV – Plan Update 15 Coordination 16 Climate Change 17 Preparation of Updated IRWM Plan
Tentative Schedule for Plan Update Tentative Schedule for Plan Update *Assume Grant award by October 31, 2011 Contract Execution- November 1st, 2011 Call for projects- June thru August, 2012 Draft Plan-Public Review- April/ May, 2013 Final Plan- July 2013 Plan Adoption- August-October 2013
Implementation Grant Projects North bay share 2011 events 1-E results New Storm water funding
Projects Regional Recycling Grant request ($10 m) Regional Water Conservation ($ 9.203 m) Regional Green Infrastructure Capacity Building ($4.316 m) Bay Area Wetland Ecosystem Restoration Program ($ 3.75 m) Integrated Water Quality Improvement, Flood Management and Ecosystem Restoration in Bay Area Disadvantaged Communities ( $2.2 m) Admin- ($ .643 m) Total-~ $30.094 m
NBWRA Projects Recycling-North Bay Novato North- NMWD- $ 500k Novato South-Hamilton-LGVSD - $ 500k Napa State Hospital-Napa San.- $ 500k Sonoma Valley- SCVSD/ SCWA- $ 500k Peacock Gap- MMWD- $ 500k Total= $2.5 m
Conservation- North Bay City of Napa- $330 k SCWA $765 k Solano $ 692 k MMWD $ 863 k 31.6 % of $ 8.39 m General- 31.6 % of $ 562 k = $178 k + Napa Rainwater = $250 k Total $ 3.078 m
Green Infrastructure North Bay No North bay projects Napa Rainwater harvesting shifted to conservation for administration purposes.
Wetlands –North bay Sears Point- $1.25 m
General mapping and watershed assistance share of ($862 k) Integrated Water Quality Improvement, Flood Management and Ecosystem Restoration in Bay Area Disadvantaged Communities North Bay -STRAW ( PRBO)- $200k General mapping and watershed assistance share of ($862 k) 25% - $ 216k North bay share of $379 for Steelhead Napa and Sonoma ~$ 250 k
North Bay Share % Project Funds requested North bay share Recycling $10 m $ 2.5 m 25 % Conservation $ 9.202 m $ 3.078 m ~ 33.4 % Green Infrastructure $4.315 m Wetlands $3.75 m $1.25 m 33.3 % Integrated… DAC $ 2.182 m ~ $666k ~ 30 % Total ~ $ 29.5 m ~ $ 7.49 m ~25 %
2011 events *Grant Administration lead – BACWA(EBMUD)- (2010 decision)- * Grant submitted January 27 *DWR – Draft recommendations- May 23 *Comment letter on draft awards-June 20, *Meetings/ Conference Calls of participants-June 20, July 25 *Final Grant Announcement- August 15 $30,093,592 -http://www.water.ca.gov/irwm/
*DWR Conditional Commitment Letter Next?? *DWR Conditional Commitment Letter *DWR Finalizes Form of Bay Area Grant Agreement w/ BACWA – Fall 2011 *DWR Executes Grant Agreement – Early 2012 (?) DWR will execute 4+/- weeks after BACWA BACWA will not execute until most/all participants approve Agreements
1-E results Sep. 21 DWR Draft Funding recommendations http://www.water.ca.gov/irwm/integregio_stormwaterflood.cfm -41 Applicants for $ 265 m 18 recommended for $163 million 4/5 approved for Bay Area for ~ $67 m SFPUC- $24m, SCVWD-$25 m, San Francisquito Creek JPA-$ 8m Not funded- Redwood City Pump station-$ 8 m North bay Marin County FCWCD-Phoenix Lake- $7.66m
Prop 84 Storm water Funding www. waterboards. ca Prop 84 Storm water Funding www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/grants_loans/prop84/index.shtml SWRCB Guidelines adopted –Feb. 2009 The SWGP provides funding for projects that reduce and prevent storm water contamination of rivers, lakes, and streams. Projects must either implement LID strategies or assist in compliance of established storm water TMDLs $ 82 million available statewide-> local public agencies Match- 5% up to 20% depending on average income Solicitation- Fall 2011 (Nov. 10) Oakland workshop- December 6, 2011
North bay sub-region 2009 Process-never used- “Regional” Projects for Round 1 North Bay Approach Next Steps “CC has approved organizing the Bay Area into four sub‐regions to facilitate local project prioritization, stakeholder involvement and improved project integration.” 2011 Plan Update Work plan
2009 -North Bay Process designed for grant submittal Include Solano Lead for Sub- region-NBWA NBWA Watershed Council will advise Propose 3 steps 1) Meeting of all counties to review Guidance 2) Integrated County meetings to include all stakeholders 3) All counties in one meeting to review input
1) One meeting of all counties to review guidance *-purpose -to explain the guidance developed by the Bay Area Project Screening Subcommittee and answer questions. This guidance should include the modified ranking system, state preferences (i.e. Drought, Disadvantaged Communities), State grant requirements (match , timing), target allocations, schedule and milestones, identified regional projects,, costs for application, and any other pertinent information for that round of funding. * NBWA will develop a target allocation for each county based on the formula used for sub-regions (1/2- based on 4 counties, ¼ on population and ¼ on area). If appropriate projects or programs for the entire north-bay will be identified. All interested stakeholders will be invited to participate.
2) Integrated County meetings including all stakeholders *Each County will hold a meeting organized by county lead - to identify “best” projects to propose for funding consistent with the guidance and with an emphasis on “integrated” projects. *Stakeholders will be sent e-mails and asked to provide project information in a format consistent with the guidance. If new or modified projects (more integrated) are identified they will be ranked using the guidance provided. If a county does not have a project that meets all the requirements for a particular grant cycle then NBWA will adjust targets and that county’s allocation will be carried over for future grant cycles. *If determined necessary joint-county meetings will be held for Marin/Sonoma and Napa/Solano to develop multi-county proposals.
3) *All counties in one meeting to review input *Projects will be reviewed to develop regional or sub-regional proposals and address any concerns with proposed projects. * The final list of projects will be submitted to Bay Area Project Screening Subcommittee for review.
North Bay Approach Plan Update County Leads * Liz Lewis, Marin County (Chris Choo) *Rick Thomasser, Napa County *Dave Okita, Solano County Water Agency (Chris Lee) * Brad Sherwood, Sonoma County Water Agency
Next Steps North Bay Process for Plan Update 1) Meeting of all county leads- Nov. 2011 -develop guidance - update stakeholder lists 2) County meetings- early 2012 -develop preliminary list of projects - emphasis on integrated projects 3) Meeting of all county leads - to review input Spring 2012
Prop 84 Round 2? “Sequencing” document out soon- Prop 84 & 1-E and local GW grants Prop 84 Round 2-?? $ 160 million max statewide Bay Area share~?? $ 24.5 m max Start Announcement-PSP- “1st ½ of 2012” ? January-April Applications Due- “30 days from PSP”? May-July/August ?? Policy Decisions- Regional/ Functional Area??
Challenges Timing for PSP Requirements in PSP-Preferences Reduce Delta diversions? Cost/ Benefit analysis-3 categories Match-25% Costs of application Grant applicant Addressing DACs
Scoring 84 (BA) 50 Workplan 15 (9) 15 Funding match /////// 5 (10%) Scientific Merit //////// F. A Balance? (5) //// Budget 5 (3) 5 Schedule Mon. & Ass..& Perf. Meas. 5 (5) WS-Econ. Anal.-Cost/benefit (20)-> 15 (9) W Q & Other benefits (5)-> 15 (9) 10 Flood Damage-C/B 15 (3) ? Program Preferences 10 (10) Total 85 (51) 80
Questions? Input?
2012 Conference Theme-Climate Change Adaptation Date- Friday April 13, 2012 Location-Sheraton Petaluma
Conference Costs Pricing- stay at 2010 levels- $80 regular $70 early bird $40 Watershed Council
Confirmed Jared Huffman ?? Keynotes Possible Jane Lubchenco- NOAA Senator Boxer LT. Gov. Newsom Cal EPA Secretary-Matt Rodriquez John Laird- Resources DWR-Mark Cowin Bay Area Joint Policy Committee elected official Peter Gleick-Pacific Institute Confirmed Jared Huffman ??
Panels 1) Science- What is the Change? 2) Sea Level rise-How can we Adapt? 3) Flood Management and Watershed Health How can we improve both?
Science- What is the Change? Suggested Margaret Davidson or Rebecca Smyth-NOAA Coastal Services Dan Cayan, Scripps Inst. Mike Dettinger, Scripps Inst. Mike Anderson-NOAA Weather Julia Levin-CA Resources Mike Anderson-DWR Climatologist Patrick Barnard- USGS Confirmed -David Behar- Climate Change Alliance Lisa Micheli Pepperwood ??
Sea Level rise-How can we Adapt? Confirmed Will Travis BCDC Jeremy Lowe PWA ?? Suggested Samuel Veloz, PRBO Tom Quazebarth, CDM Enrique Calvo, CDM Wendy Goodfriend, BCDC
Flood Management and Watershed Health-How can we improve both? Confirmed Bruce Wolfe RWQCB Ellie Cohen PRBO Meredith Williams Napa- SFEI ?? Suggested Mike Thompson, SCWA Brock Dolman, OAEC Adina Merenlender –UCB Chuck Bonham-DFG Mike Dilabough-USACE Bruce Reardon –ABAG/JPC Sara Moore, UC SC