Roles of NLO, CP and RDC’s By Felix Wanjala
ROLES OF NLO The NLO is the principal interface between the Agency and a national authority on technical cooperation (TC) and related matters. NLO ensures optimal performance of the TC programme and in enhancing the benefits derived by Member States The duties of the NLO encompass much more than administrative processes and they cover leadership, strategic thinking, operational management, supervision, coordination and relationship building with a wide range of stakeholders
Serves as the principal focal point for the provision of advice to the government on all aspects of the TC programme. Serves as the interface between the government and the Secretariat in all matters related to planning, programming, programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the TC programme. Builds a knowledge base for national development programmes through liaison with development agencies, and identifies potential areas for Agency collaboration and donor participation. Ensures that the benefits of potential nuclear applications are known and understood by relevant sectoral units of government, the national planning entity, universities and scientific institutions, and end users. It is vital that a close relationship is established with the national planning entity concerning development programmes and priorities relevant to Agency technical cooperation
(v) Serves as a resource centre for knowledge about the Agency’s planning processes and modalities, and about end users. (vi) Acts as national coordinator for the Country Programme Framework (CPF), and provides leadership for preparation of the CPF. More specifically: • Promotes understanding about national goals and objectives, and seeks complementarities between national development priorities, the TC Strategy and the Agency’s policies to ensure that the proposed activities add value to national development efforts; • Takes a leading role in aligning the CPF to the national Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets;
• Organizes and coordinates working groups in major national priority sectors as input to the CPF process; • Coordinates preparation of the plan of action and steps resulting from the CPF; • Ensures that newly identified project initiatives are consistent with the CPF. (vii) Interacts with project counterpart institutions and the Secretariat in the formulation, design, facilitation and management of projects, using the Programme Cycle Management Framework (PCMF) website.
Roles of CP and Alternate CP The project counterpart is responsible for the overall management and direction of a TC project in a country, and for ensuring that all stakeholders are involved. The counterpart formulates a project concept based on the Country Programme Framework and upstream planning work, and develops the project document together with the project team. Once the project is approved by the IAEA Board of Governors, the counterpart takes the lead in in achieving project results by organizing national support and inputs, and ensures long term sustainability. The counterpart interacts with the project team throughout the full project cycle, from formulation to implementation and reporting.
Roles of RDC RDC can be defined as an established African institution able to provide multi-national services on the basis of the AFRA Agreement and for which the IAEA and donor support may be sought within the context of approved programmes; Only Kenya RDC is on Biotechnology, KEMRI-Kilifi Roles are; to foster TCDC activities within the region; to enhance regional self-reliance; to backstop the work of AFRA Specialized Teams in the field (technical backstopping and logistical support); to provide support services for ad hoc challenges; and to act as a body of knowledge in the field and to disseminate innovation and improved practices within the region.
Thanks Felix Wanjala NLA