Empathy Questions English Literature Copyright © 2009 englishteaching.co.uk
What is it? Sometimes an EMPATHY question is set on either of the Literature texts, Blood Brothers. This means that you have to put yourself in the position of a character and write in their voice, while showcasing your knowledge of the text in your own words. (Walk in their shoes!) Copyright © 2009 englishteaching.co.uk
Usual forms of the question Imagine you are _____________. At the end of the story you think back over what has happened. Write your thoughts and feelings. Remember how__________would speak when you write your answer. Imagine you are __________. Write down your thoughts and feelings about: the events that were important to you; your relationship with _______; how you feel you have changed. Copyright © 2009 englishteaching.co.uk
Tips Write in the first person Refer to events they took part in Root your answer in the text Include some authentic touches where possible using the character’s way of speaking, such as Aunt Alexandra calls Scout by her given name, Jean Louise. Copyright © 2009 englishteaching.co.uk
To quote or not to quote? It can be difficult to incorporate quotations, although it is sometimes appropriate. However, you should ‘echo’ the text or closely refer to quotations. You do not use quotation marks unless you are using direct speech. Copyright © 2009 englishteaching.co.uk
Example: Atticus I did not really want my children using airguns, but sometimes one has to bow to the inevitable and I would rather they did things with my knowledge. They can be a wilful pair! I told them in no uncertain terms that they must never shoot at mockingbirds, because unlike bluejays, they don’t do any harm. I don’t want them growing up thinking courage is just about guns…. Copyright © 2009 englishteaching.co.uk
Your practice task: Imagine you are Atticus. Write down your thoughts and feelings after the trial of Tom Robinson. You should plan this task for tonight’s homework. On Friday, you will have the opportunity to write your response in 40 minutes. Copyright © 2009 englishteaching.co.uk