Physical Science 2014-2015 Mr. D Mr. Kirch Room 9
Where to Find Me Here, in this room: 9 Periods for class: Prep Period: Email: Phone: Where to Find Me
Materials Needed Text book (none) Pencil, blue or black pen Spiral Notebook 3-ring binder Colored pencils are handy but not required Access to your school Google drive Materials Needed
Grading Total points for semester Tests/quizzes Classwork/Homework packets Final or mid term We practice proficiency grading. Practices are cool but you cannot pass on practices alone. Just like your driving test. Grading
To Pass To pass=3 or higher on each assessment 4 Highly Proficient The work demonstrates excellent understanding of concepts and content. 3 Proficient The work shows understanding of the process or content, as well as application in various settings. 2 Developing Proficiency The work demonstrates some evidence of understanding the process or content, but misconstructions impede understanding. 1 Beginning Proficiency The work indicates a distinct beginning understanding of the knowledge. 0 Not Proficient There is a lack of evidence to determine proficiency. To Pass
Tests/Quizzes Quizzes about every 2 weeks. Tests are tiered/leveled. Never given on Mondays. We will let you know several days in advance of test dates and remind you every day until test day. No excuse not to be ready You have a retake window of two weeks from the day the test is given back Tests/Quizzes
Homework Given in packet form at the beginning of each unit Completed either in class or at home. Packets will be checked or due every Wednesday It counts for a portion of your grade. Do it. Homework
Success Come to class Check the website Do the homework. Communicate with me period, before school, after class Email: Communicate with Mr. Carney, Mr. Kirch and/or Mr. D. WE ARE ALL HERE TO HELP YOU SUCCEED Success
Safety Physical science is an experimental science Eat nothing or death will be swift. Goggles will be worn when instructed. We use computers often. Cyber safety is important Safety
Rule #1: Respect To me To others School property To yourself Rules
Cell Phones If either of us sees it or notices it again If Mr. Kirch or I see it or notice you are using it at inappropriate times 1st warning If either of us sees it or notices it again We will take the phone and you will pick it up after school. Second offense will have your parents coming to get it. FYI: Smart phones can be used for a number of assignments. Cell Phones More success Explore the website. It is a great tool to have. More success My Website Lectures: download as powerpoint or .pdf HW Packets: download as .pdf if you lose yours Weekly schedules/assignments Help links Other fun/interesting stuff My Website
I use the Remind system to send out text reminders Need a Reminder?
My Class Twitter No Facehole, Instahole or Snaphole Twitter is cool and optional My Class Twitter
Problems? Come and see me Email me: Check the help links on the website Problems?