Mrs. Walker’s Class September 26-30 We recently completed our Miss Nelson Is Missing project. We discussed story elements. We hope to start studying the theme of stories this week. I’m proud to announce that all students passed their first writing assessment! We will continue to work on writing complete sentences. We are working in a direct instruction program called Connecting Math Concepts. Each group is working on a separate set of skills on their instructional level. We will be studying the components of closed circuits. We will be performing tests on conductors and insulators. It’s going to be electrifying! Things just didn’t go as planned in SS this week. In preparation for Parent Academy, we have been working on Digital Citizenship lessons. SC Regions WILL start this week! Dates to Remember: 9-29-16: School Dance/ Parent Academy 4:30 & 5:00 10-12-16: Early Release 10-14-16: Field Trip 10-17-16: Make up Day 10-20-16: Report Cards Words are on weekly homework sheets. Please make sure your child is completing the daily homework assignments. If your child is having a hard time, please call me and I can give you suggestions to help. Our whole class (1st-5th ) will be going on a field trip to Charles Towne Landing. Money and permission slip are due on October 11, 2016.