Switch evidence reflects across-trial urgency and resets after positive feedback. Switch evidence reflects across-trial urgency and resets after positive feedback. (A) The proportion of environment switches after negative feedback increased as a function of the number of trials since the last correct switch. In all panels, circles are data and lines are model fits. (B) The probability of switching after negative feedback increased with motion strength and the number of trials in the current environment. (C) Mean switch bound resulting from the best-fitting probability weighting functions (Inset) relating the experienced hazard rate, H(T), to subjective hazard rate, Ĥ(T) (Materials and Methods). Color indicates different subjects. (D) The probability of switching increased with consecutive errors, but dropped to almost 0 after just one positive feedback (trial 0). Switch probabilities before the positive feedback were calculated for an increasing number of consecutive errors within each sequence. Error bars are SE. Braden A. Purcell, and Roozbeh Kiani PNAS 2016;113:31:E4531-E4540 ©2016 by National Academy of Sciences